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Everything posted by Swissmag

  1. Deco, Dunne or Van Buyten, SWP (hmmm), Taiwo, Appiah
  2. I would find that acceptable. :-)
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/internationals/7238507.stm I am pretty convinced that he will fail... Only Italians seem to understand his football logic.
  4. as good a reason as any to leave him out the starting line up You have a point there...
  5. That's why I asked about the reliability! :-) But, surely, they are not allowed to quote somebody wrong, right?!?!?
  6. Newcastle boss Keegan targets midfield playmaker tribalfooball.com - February 12, 2008 Newcastle United boss Kevin Keegan admits a midfield playmaker is a priority transfer target. "We want some creativity, we've got some genuine players who can pass the ball and will pass the ball better when they are confident, but in terms of opening teams up, we're probably a little bit limited," said Keegan. "Emre is the only one who can get Michael Owen in. Apart from that we want anybody else who can improve the team." Great to hear, but reliable?
  7. He would have bought useless players who always fight till the end (but can't pass and shoot)... Next Question?
  8. Funny answers...given the fact that the majority on the board pinned all their hopes for creativity on him.
  9. Taylor has been better than Cacapa, every time they've played together, including this weekend. I have no idea why so many people seem to be fooled by Cacapa. And please god don't use the myth of the Lyon captaincy making him good. Cacapa was better than Taylor easily in the last home game. And even if Cacapa was as s*** as you seem to think it wouldn't make Taylor any better. agreed, still don't get why KK didn't play Faye?!?!? You need a big and strong lad who takes on Carew...
  10. Swissmag


    Couldn't give a toss, tbh. Too much time guys?
  11. Shouldn't it be "I should know" maybe? :S So what you are saying is that you're gay then? This forum is full of Gays! :-) Get yourself one...
  12. Swissmag


    They're both s**** if we're splitting hairs. What about you (if we're splitting hairs)?
  13. That is quite a good idea actually. Didn't you already try and fail with the first idea? You do know I was taking the piss, right? I thought that was plain to see. Has to be a good joke, if an explanation is needed... :-)
  14. a seperate one for attention whores would be useful so i dont have to read this s**** :-)
  15. That's a big assumption you're making there, isn't it? I know it's a popular opinion (esp. among certain season ticket holders, funnily enough) that "being there and seeing it all" equates to amazing football expertise but, let's face it, that's bollocks. True. I know people who are going to a football ground every week, but haven't got a clue. You could also argued, that you must have been PLAYING football to understand the game... Going to a ground has nothing to do with the knowledge of football!
  16. looked a really good player. He IS a really good player... What's he been like with FC Zurich? Does he play as an out and out striker? or does he play just behind? Ben Saada, the little number 7 was eye catching as well, and scored a brilliant free-kick a-la Robert. He plays just behind. Think he's able to play as an out and out striker... He's brillant for Zurich - week in week out. Doesn't seem to like colder days, but he's just excellent. Was touted all over Germany last year, and every single manager is regretting his doubts. :-) Great future ahead of him...
  17. looked a really good player. He IS a really good player...
  18. Swissmag

    Conspiracy theory

    I bet you didn't. I bet you mumbled it to your mate quiet enough so that the bloke couldn't hear. :-)
  19. It would be more like Zamblera, era, era, ay, ay, ay (and unfortunately not Zambrela)
  20. :-) And if you go, chasing rabbits, and you know you're going to fall...
  21. Was just going to say the same. Proper footballer's name. Sounds a bit like Zambrotta. He must be good then... :-)
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