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Everything posted by Swissmag

  1. I am calm. But I am also very disappointed by this. KK has made a great impact with his "we are 2nd tier only" speech. He has caused a great deal of (long-lasting, if hopefully not permanent) damage to our club. No he hasn't man. Get a grip ffs. As I said earlier - I wish you were right. Sadly (as we will all come to realise soon) you are not right. Oh man, let it go...
  2. I would NEVER have agreed with a statement like that (no matter how poorly we were performing at any given time) as we were always a huge club with huge amounts of money and 52,000 fans in a magnificent stadium and centred in a great Regional Capital City. NOW, I do agree with it. NOW - since Mr Kevin Keegan has so succinctly consigned us the the Premier League's 2nd Division, with his "our best position is only 5th" speech (because that is what it was). NO top player will want to come to a 2nd tier club. Mediocrity is the best we can ever hope for, according to Mr Keegan - and the football world will have heard that. There will be people on here who disagree with me on this. To you I say - "I WISH YOU WERE RIGHT AND THAT I WAS WRONG". Oh come on, do you really think that people needed KK's statement, to realise that we are a "2nd tier club" He said nothing wrong...sad but true.
  3. He actually looks scarily like a Croatian bird i know. Thing is she's actually quite fit. Does that make me gay? look like a Croatian bird? What is that suppose to mean?
  4. Ranger for the win? Fuck off, tbh... ;-) Can't fuckin stand them.
  5. No, it won't!! All seriousness, the odds on Zenit aren't as short as they should be. Worth a little lump IMO. Thought exactly the same...
  6. Pfff...do they even know what "attack" exactly means??? What a shite team...really hope they will be battered by the Russians.
  7. As long as Cock doesn't join Dick...
  8. Nope...nailed on for Tottenham! :-)))
  9. He's an irritating t*** who for some reason thinks his purpose here (his admittance) is to try and wind me up, but he just comes across as a total fuking c*** and i cannot be arsed with the prick in any way shape or form. Ha! Get over yourself you fuckin' goon! To be fair, if it wasn't so easy I wouldnt bother at all. For what it's worth, I never said a word to you in this thread. Calm down. We're all in the same boat in the end... ;-)
  10. not so sure about that tbh... :-)
  11. Because he's Assistant Manager and knows a lot about football having been in the game all his life? Can't understand why people knock him so much. So, you rate him? What are you rating him on? His coaching skills? You've been coached by him so you know? What a shite, mate! I bet you wouldn't want SA to be your manager (despite he never managed you)?!? People like you had a go at me for every Allardyce criticsm when it all started. With the same "how can you know" bullshit...
  12. Because he's Assistant Manager and knows a lot about football having been in the game all his life? Can't understand why people knock him so much. So, you rate him?
  13. Swissmag

    Steve Harper

    no, but you it seems... (read it again) :-))) Sorry for that, but normally i am not a forum comedian.
  14. Swissmag

    Steve Harper

    I'm happy, but if we got an offer for Given now it would be worth considering. However the best of Given is yet to come, his peak is a couple of seasons away, but he does need focus on the areas he lacks in, if he does he'll be the best keeper in the league when he reaches that peak. He's had enough GK coaches now though, it seems his faults are permanent. You say that but if this season is anything to go by he's past his peak. I'm willing to see what he can do etc. when he's fully recovered but he's never looked the same since that clash with the ex-West Ham fella. David James at his age having his best spell for me suggests there could be a lot more to come from Given. James has bigger faults than Given at his age, concentration crippling his credibility as a top keeper, he sorted it in the end. I can see Robinson taking the same path as James and later in his career becoming a top keeper, i just hope Given does the same. Its taking all this time for Harper to show he's good enough for a 1st team place. Given's reflexes are slowing with age, he's not going to get any better yeah, because he's 50 now.. wake the f*** up people, even Cech, Button and Cassillas have had s**** seasons. some of you are very quick to write off 10 seasons of brilliant performances.. Cech hasn't had a s*** season Cassillas is world class, is younger than Given and Button is a racing driver so I dont see how that matters Come on, don't tell me that you are not aware of Gianluigi Button? You're mixing him up with Jenson Buffon, mate... :-)
  15. He won't cost anything apart from his signing on fee, it's a Bosman. I'm hoping Robbie Keane will persuade him, they're mates having lived in the same street in Tallaght as kids. I am probably the only one, but I can't stand any Tottenham fans on this board. Your getting on my tits with your daily ITK shit... (and YES, I am still gutted about Modric :-))
  16. True. Chelsea wouldn't be that stupid?!?! :-)
  17. Most overrated player ever...
  18. Why? I could cry, whenever I hear his name mentioned in the same sentence as the Toon...
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