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Everything posted by Swissmag

  1. Yes and Cristiano Ronaldo. Nani came from there also. What kind of cretin writes off a player based on him coming from a club where one of our less succesful players came from. Bizare concept. Thought the same... just stupid. Sporting has got one of the best (if not the best) youth setups in Europe with loads of talented players.
  2. Yes and Cristiano Ronaldo. and Quaresma...
  3. Allardyce put us back at least two. sad but true!
  4. Owen will not sign a new contract. So it will be Martins...
  5. Swissmag

    Alan Smith

    I know. Thats why I mentioned him after Carr and Rammy... BTW: There isn't much difference between Shameobi and Shitty, tbh. :-(
  6. Swissmag

    Alan Smith

    After Carr, Rammy and Ameobi...he just has to be the first, who'll be flogged out.
  7. Or did you mean the dominance within the league??? :-/
  8. They didn't when the Italians or the Spaniards were on top... Blatter is a corrupt first grade wanker!
  9. Might sound a bit childish, but I couldn't forgive the fucker... Don't like him already - would hate him then! Forgive him for what? leaving NUFC without paying them back... Come on, you know what I meant. ;-)
  10. Might sound a bit childish, but I couldn't forgive the fucker... Don't like him already - would hate him then!
  11. Thanks for another reason... :-) Wouldn't want him. Would prefer Ashton as our big/tall striker. Still think that we have to change that one-dimensionality (does that word even exist?), which has been one of our major problems yesterdays (clear to see when we lost Viduka). We cannot operate with longballs and one striker holding them up. We need some creativity...
  12. Swissmag

    Steven Taylor

    Exactly...Still think that Faye is better!
  13. Swissmag


    Because he deserves it?!?!? ;-)
  14. Chelsea for the whole of football??? FFS don't make laugh...
  15. Swissmag

    Alan Smith

    absolutely agree. I nearly broke down in tears when smudger came on for Viduka...
  16. You hate them for beating us to the title?!? The world has gone crazy...
  17. Oh good...what a non-footballing brain! Everybody complains about teams like Germany (in the past) and Italy, but would welcome defensive football if we had a chance to reach a final. You must have loved Big Sam then...
  18. In the semi final? These shitebags haven't played any entertaining game. Bunch of cunts...
  19. Hmmm...don't think that this is a good idea. 95/96 will haunt you... :-(
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