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Everything posted by ATB

  1. ATB

    Next season

    Yeah, always feelt that this season wasnt just about bad luck. I think we need to be smarter and better with the ball. And that Howe has to be more flexibel with the squad between and in games. just not standrad 60 min subs regardless. We also has to be able to play and keep the ball and controll a game. to play defence like we did last season is not sustainable to prevent injurys, and win football games. We are doing something wrong.
  2. For top 4-5 with no european football and with a good summer I dont really think we are that far behind. I think we will have a eleven that will challange with no excuses.
  3. Yeah, next season is of massive significance for Howe. He must show that he can become a winner and not just play attractive football. Several times this year, and last year, we have lost and played our worst when it mattered the most. Next season, there will be no excuses, and we must become more clinical and ruthless. I am looking forward to a more cynical and efficient style of play where we have strengthened the squad in the positions we need. Not just going for 'good deals'."
  4. ATB

    Tosin Adarabioyo

    But if he want to play for us because of Howe that really dont matter. And he will be a starter with his position to lose.
  5. ATB

    Nick Pope

    And that he cant handle a ball.
  6. that's why next season is so important.
  7. Sure, but its a miggy cup. The league place next year is much more importent.
  8. ATB

    Tosin Adarabioyo

    no player will sign for us now I think
  9. It will be a bigger problem if we miss out on EL och CL next season. then are the chances that our star player will leave, a lot bigger .
  10. It would have been good, yes. but not the end of the world.
  11. And Spurs almost got CL. The doom in here
  12. yeah, but quite look forward to a "normal" season. we will be a beast in the PL!
  13. Nope. And not Bruno either.
  14. Bit sad I have to say. Not in the greater sense but as a suporter with games and a cup!
  15. Not sure how big effect it will have when ita just conference. But it would have been good for the club
  16. ChatGDP is lost. When is our first pre-season game?
  17. Not really impressed if we go for DCL. Thats my main concern with Howe that he doent really go for the elite. Even £25m seems step. Max for me would be closer to £15m. Even if his injury record isnt at the same level you would of expact, he really doesnt seem like the same player any more. At the right price and to be an understady with some youth under, then maybe ok.
  18. Today is the day! Really are up for it
  19. The last 10 years make that 29,3 years (median also 29). The 22 years before the average was 31,8 years with a median of 32,5 years. So the point that goalkeepers are starting to be at their best at a younger age, stand. Though it may be a more indication of the age and quality of Ederson in this example But I would say that even the eye test stand. Its more demanding to be a keeper and when they are 30+ they start to go decline. Pope need to be upgraded for sure. In all areas really (injury, footwork, age).
  20. Pope is so bad with his feet so that alone makes want to have a new one. We lose possession so easily with Pope in goal. Really excited for this one!
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