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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I would say good luck to him but I can't, being the cunt that he is. If he puts in a somewhat decent shift (if he plays that is), then fair play but my opinion of him wouldn't change.
  2. 'Arry's making a return to football? Urgh.
  3. Positives: through to the knockout round; Marveaux scoring. Negatives: everything else.
  4. f***, we might have to bring Ranger back into the first team by the looks of things
  5. I can sense this second half being a rather crap one. Hope not.
  6. Not a bad first half. Bit boring apart from our goal. Rather concerned about Ben Arfa, sincerely hope it was a precautionary substitution
  7. Dashing to the pub now. Going to miss kick off though... Canny team like!
  8. Amazing goal like. Pretty much on par with Zlatan's effort.
  9. Looks like our luck with injuries last season hasn't carried through into this one
  10. RAFA! Btw, got to say, what with Abramovich's unpredictability, Di Matteo being sacked doesn't come as a massive surprise. Would like to see what goes on in Abramovich's mind though, his logic in chopping and changing managers just isn't right.
  11. So, as expected, City are losing? Good.
  12. Still need a couple of new players to freshen it up a bit like...
  13. Can't beat a bit of keeper rush like.
  14. Sifu

    U23s & Academy

    Might just be the photo but he looks like he has bulked up a bit there. Aye, his waistline certainly has. Spending his '30 bags a week' wisely then! That's what happens when you go to Nandos every week.
  15. Sifu

    U23s & Academy

    Hmmm, looks like he's finally developed a bit of technique. Bridges are burnt though so there's nee chance he's coming back into the first team...
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