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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Mark Douglas made an appearance in the video
  2. I'm watching the video now. Will report back.
  3. Well then, this is not going to go down well at all with the management tomorrow morning. I doubt they'll give a s*** tbh. Probably not but I suspect Pardew will feel a bit let down. He has gone through all the trouble to get Ba playing in the centre and this interview will only sour things imo. But until I see a full transcript of the interview, I think it's best I don't jump to conclusions...
  4. Well then, this is not going to go down well at all with the management tomorrow morning.
  5. And this is the correct way to approach this. Press over here will have a field day about this tomorrow mind.
  6. It seems to me that Santon actually prefers cutting in, it certainly adds to his attacking and helps him to beat a man. His end product is by no means the finished article. He needs to develop the confidence to whip it in first time when he does cut in, in addition he might as well have a shot at goal too. As it stands he's still my long term option for LB.
  7. Sifu

    Chris Hughton

    In a short space of time, Hughton has certainly learned a lot and has developed into a respectable manager. He rallied us back up to the PL, did a great job at Birmingham (considering their situation when he was appointed manager) and now he's doing a good job at Norwich. Brilliant bloke too so I wish him all the best. It has to be said that his sacking to this day was unjustified and pretty much uncalled for. He was completely mistreated by Ashley/Llambias, he didn't really do anything wrong, he just got on with the job. He didn't say a single bad thing about the club when he did get sacked too and that again just demonstrated his brilliant demeanour. Now, we will simply never know how he would have got on if he was still in the NUFC job today. Sure, his achievements at Norwich so far could be an indication of what he could/would have done here but there's no point in dwelling/thinking about it - it will just make things worse than they should be and then you'll ultimately become frustrated. I just don't see why people are going on and saying "Hughton would have done this/that and is better than Pardew etc." - it's a waste of energy. What's done is done (and one which I didn't agree with) so we have to move on. We've got Pardew now and that's the man we should be concentrating our praise/criticism on in terms of what's happening on the pitch - there's no point in bringing Hughton into it all (again). FWIW, I'm still content in having Pardew as manager - his acheivements from last season has earned him his right to be given the chance to try and turn it around and recent signs suggest that he's slowly but surely getting the formula right...
  8. Be Ryan Shawcross. Tbh, don't know what it is about Shawcross but he's one of those players you just dislike. Hmmm, actually having thought about it, must be because he plays for Stoke.
  9. Hopefully he can take solace in his performance today - should help to boost his confidence. A confident Williamson = a decent CB.
  10. Thought today's attempts were better than our previous attempts...Williamson had a mini chance that came from a set piece iirc. Still a shite way to set it all up mind.
  11. City fan in the pub today: "It should have been 10, it should have been 10, you lucky bastards, it should have been 10." Granted that on another day, City could have beaten us by 4 goals if they had took their chances but had to bite my tongue, was getting quite wound up.
  12. Oh Jonas, what has happened to you? Whilst today was one of his better games this season, he's simply not the same player from last season. He's losing the ball a lot more this season - ball retention was meant to be one of his assets but he's losing that ability and he's regressing at quite an alarming rate. What a shame.
  13. MOTM by far today. Was basically everywhere and got stuck in and was our main outlet from midfield. A three man midfield of Anita, Tiote and Cabaye will do very nicely.
  14. Looks to me that he's been on a somewhat decent run of form. We can still improve on him though...
  15. I'll take it. Yes please. Anything other than 3 points is unthinkable. Yep. Plus I'd definitely start Marveaux next week.
  16. One of out best performances of the season for me (the second half anyway). Quite a few encouraging signs, namely the passing and the movement. It was such a spirited performance and one which we probably didn't deserve to lose. Defensive errors galore mind. All in all, this loss hasn't put me in a foul mood (compared to our other losses this season anyway) so that's a somewhat decent sign in itself. We have to build on today and transfer it to the QPR game next Saturday. Nervous/positive signs ahead...
  17. On my way to the pub. Slightly hungover but nothing a few pints can't solve.
  18. Might as well try and go back for Erdinç too, you know just for the craic.
  19. Mido's set to leave Barnsley, so that's another club to add to the list.
  20. "One or two" = 0. January is going to be fun.
  21. Many pints will be needed on Saturday lunch time then...to firstly get over a potential hangover and secondly to endure this game in a pub full of City fans
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