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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Great block from Johnson.
  2. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Aye, just keep backing off, that should help.
  3. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Now that was a good ball, just needed a touch.
  4. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Terrible from Young.
  5. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Another chance wasted by Italy.
  6. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Great move that. Should be hitting the target though!
  7. Sifu

    The England Thread

    This is going well so far. The players just have to keep at it!
  8. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Only just got in. Looks like I've missed out on quite an entertaining 10 minutes eh? Oh, just seen the Johnson chance, should be scoring there! De Rossi's shot wasn't bad either. Howay England!
  9. Good man (wasn't me btw )
  10. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Very much looking forward to tonight. This is Hodgson's toughest test yet. I'm going to predict a 4-5-1 formation just so we can match Italy's midfield. It goes without saying - stop Italy from playing their thing and that should disrupt their rhythm.
  11. Bullshit galore. Nice try Mr. Mafham.
  12. Blatantly on his way here then. Gerrin. Seriously speaking though, think we'll miss out on de Jong. I reckon we're just going to put in a "take-it-or-leave-it" offer and see what happens. If they accept, then great; if they reject it, then we'll just move onto another target (I'll put a name in there, what's Nolan Roux's situation these days?).
  13. Missed the game last night but judging from the posts in this thread, I really didn't miss much did I?
  14. Was really impressed with the Germans tonight despite the first half being a bit frustrating! All their goals though had a hint of class. Greece were shite but got to say, it was funny when Samaras scored
  15. Brilliant news, 10 days will come and go in no time Can't wait.
  16. 10m seems a bit much to spend on someone who wont be a certain starter tbh..... unless Ashley has gone nuts of course. Good point but can still see some sort of rotational policy next season.
  17. He shouldn't do, already proved he's gash in finals and aside from the ref in the first game there hasn't been a poor reffing display. He's done Champions League, FA Cup and Carling Cup finals that all went without incident- he's the most experienced ref still at the tournament. But at the biggest stage of them all, the World Cup, he messed it up. I think any referee on the planet would have struggled with that game tbh If he had shown more balls, then he would have gained a ton of respect from a lot of people. The players made it hard, aye but I'm of the opinion that Webb should have been more assertive. He showed fourteen yellows and a red, apart from the de Jong red card I can't think of any tackles which warranted a red. Was still quite a crap refereeing performance from the man. Clearly, nerves got the best of him...
  18. Well, this is an interesting development. A strikeforce of Ba, Cissé, de Jong, Shola (and possibly) Best would definitely be a formidable one Still definitely see de Jong as an addition, not a replacement btw. We're clearly planning on covering Cissé's/Ba's absence next January and well, when your alternative options are Shola/Best, you definitely need reinforcements!
  19. He shouldn't do, already proved he's gash in finals and aside from the ref in the first game there hasn't been a poor reffing display. He's done Champions League, FA Cup and Carling Cup finals that all went without incident- he's the most experienced ref still at the tournament. But at the biggest stage of them all, the World Cup, he messed it up. I think any referee on the planet would have struggled with that game tbh If he had shown more balls, then he would have gained a ton of respect from a lot of people. The players made it hard, aye but I'm of the opinion that Webb should have been more assertive.
  20. He shouldn't do, already proved he's gash in finals and aside from the ref in the first game there hasn't been a poor reffing display. He's done Champions League, FA Cup and Carling Cup finals that all went without incident- he's the most experienced ref still at the tournament. But at the biggest stage of them all, the World Cup, he messed it up.
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