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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Oh, still should be interesting though. Hope Lowes and co. have a few good questions.....
  2. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Will have to catch this on iPlayer later on.
  3. Thanks for that assessment GG. Wouldn't mind him here the more I think about it.
  4. Sifu

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    Well, first team football awaits (more than likely).
  5. Can't see us making a move for Cissokho this month tbh. If he's still available in the summer, that's when we'll make our move imo.
  6. I've just watched that again as I hadn't seen it in years, it's so bad. Howay man, Lennon headbutted Shearer's boot on purpose! (Nah, that was properly bad from Shearer. Should have been punished for that. Got to be said that his role as England captain saved him from any sort of sanction really).
  7. I'm liking the sound of that. One thing we could do is, sign him up permanently and then loan him out to FC Groningen/another team in the Dutch League for a season? (Just a thought).
  8. Blackburn, Villa and us apparently keeping taps on him. Promising centre half who can also play right back. Played his first U21 for Holland this past november. Very raw, but would be an interesting player in the Vuckic/Abeid mould. but for defense. Sounds good
  9. Interesting, certainly fits in with our transfer policy. (No idea what's he like though as a player/defender).
  10. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Ben Arfa was doing the French Cup draw so wasn't there today. Didn't see Colo in any of the pics mind.
  11. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    Cleverley is a promising player imo. Pity he got injured really, was looking good from what I saw.
  12. Sifu

    Arsene Wenger

    Brighton's Owen bid! Regarding the RVP and Wenger story, whilst we don't know what goes on behind the scenes, I reckon there's no conflict as such between the two. But wouldn't be surprised if RVP is becoming frustrated with Arsenal's progress this season.
  13. Sifu

    Arsene Wenger

    5th is a failure for them. Plus, if anything happens to RvP, they won't finish 5th. Yep, it's 4th or bust for Wenger really. (Imagine if they somehow won the Champions League this year though ).
  14. First I've heard this. Lee Ryder must have been bored.
  15. Last home strip I bought was the 07-09 one. Quite liked that one tbh.
  16. Sifu

    Harry Redknapp

    Actually, that's a fair point. Which other club/site would do what RAWK did? One thing I don't understand - a few people have said that he should only get sacked if he gets a custodial sentence. That sounds like you're saying that it doesn't matter if he's guilty or not, but does matter if he gets put away and can't manage the team. Or do you think that by getting put away it automatically becomes a grave enough offence to warrant the boot? It will be interesting to see how the media treats him afterwards. Weirdly, if he stays on but loses his media jobs and shuts up a bit more, he might actually become a better manager. You know that's simply not going to happen as long as he's in the game.....
  17. Probably the end of it then. Can see us slightly upping our bid (an extra 500k possibly), if that doesn't do it (or Watford are really insisting that our bid should be £5million), have to look elsewhere I guess. Lewis Dunk has also been mentioned in the Chronicle today like.
  18. That's what I was getting at really. If it turns out our defence is being destroyed by pace, could bring on Mariappa for Willo to combat the threat more effectively. If we do sign Mariappa, I'd still like Coloccini and Wililamson to be our first choice CBs though.
  19. Even if Real win La Liga this season, can see Mourinho leaving at his own discretion tbh.
  20. Great news that. Would be a welcome return
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