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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Personally think the Blackburn game is a bit too soon (could be on the bench though). Though think it's safe to say that we should expect to see them properly (ie. in the starting lineup) against Villa.
  2. Sifu

    Harry Redknapp

    "Financially illiterate" ? "I can't really write" ? Fucking hell
  3. I have a feeling we'll get this lad on deadline day.....
  4. Sifu


    Sounds like an O'Neill type signing (Please be true).
  5. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Barton has a point there tbf. "Insider information" Should start sending letters to Rio then, he predicts scores almost every week! Though I expect the FA to spit its dummy out and fine Barton for those tweets.
  6. More like wrong thread. (http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,76584.0.html)
  7. Wouldn't mind Bosingwa. But he doesn't fit with our transfer policy. Bit of an odd link.
  8. Sifu

    Players in public

    Not the "few beers" Pardew was talking about then
  9. Ah, I remember him from the World Cup. Looked good whenever he came on off the bench, hope this link has some substance.
  10. Quite gutted for Ba and Cisse really (though this Senegal team should have done better tbh) but I'm glad that they're coming back early
  11. Scottwilsonecho Scott Wilson Demba Ba and Papiss Cisse should both be available for #NUFC next league game after Senegal are knocked out of Africa Cup of Nations tonight 10 minutes ago @MsiDouglas Mark Douglas We'll find out when they're back from AP tomorrow. I only mentioned Villa as its the next Saturday game.
  12. From a lad on my Facebook:
  13. Eh? (I turned it off as soon as the final whistle went, so didn't see this!)
  14. 4 minutes for City to get a goal......
  15. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. They do look shite, they're almost like fake strips you can buy abroad.
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