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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I don't. Good player yeah but he's a dick.
  2. Good. Looks like a fan that has won a day out with the team in a raffle at the minute. Completely out of his depth atm. Still young like so could yet improve but can't see any quality in him whatsoever......
  3. The cunt De Jong scores. Good effort tbh.
  4. Looking like it. Liverpool all over them atm.
  5. Probably thought tonight was a PL game.
  6. Oh dear, did he honestly say that? Urgh.
  7. Wouldn't be surprised if he walks. Doesn't tend to stick around at a club for too long of a period..... That's because he's always had reasons to go on, though. He went after Porto won the Champions League - he couldn't have done more for the club, ever. He went after he couldn't get on with Abramowitch anymore at Chelsea. He went after he won the Champions League with Inter - same here as with Porto. Can't see him leaving Madrid before he's won the Champions League and league with them (I think he's got a great chance of winning both this year). If he did, he'd admit defeat - not something Mourinho would normally do. I reckon that if he wins the league (and/or the Champions League), that's essentially job done for him.
  8. Wouldn't be surprised if he walks. Doesn't tend to stick around at a club for too long of a period.....
  9. Sifu

    Ravel Morrison

    £4 million is a bit too high for my liking. I'm still really undecided about Morrison, on one hand, he is a very bright prospect but on the other, his apparent terrible attitude (ie. being an absolute c***) could hold him back which means he might never fulfill his true potential
  10. The FA cup runners up only get in if the winners have qualified for the CL. If 5th won cup (and hadn't also won league cup) the runners up wouldn't get in. So the spot associated with the cup pulls rank over the cup one, i.e. the 5th place spot goes to 6th? Didn't know that. Consider me clarified.
  11. Cardiff City are in the cup final too, maybe you should have gone there. Really hope Man City absolutely hammer them tonight like. Jose's comments there are a bit cunt-ish. Having said that, he's really not the sharpest tool in the box so he probably doesn't think before he says something.
  12. Interesting to see that there are actually some fixtures on deadline day. Not that that would stop any sort of business happening between clubs.....
  13. Sifu


    Just seen this in the other games thread:
  14. Sifu

    Football pet hates

    Hated him as a player but as a pundit, he's not bad. I'm amazed to hear that opinion. It seems to me that he's only in the pundit's chair because someone decided he was a 'personality'. He's not very articulate, he usually talks in cliches, and when he tries to take an original take on something, he digs himself into a corner with a ridiculous opinion. And he's not funny either. Well, admittedly he's not the best pundit out there but he's still just about decent (better than the likes of Lawrenson, Shearer etc. anyway).
  15. Sifu

    Fraser Forster

    A permanent move to Celtic was always going to happen tbh. Shame that he never got the chance to properly fight for the number 1 here but ah well. Best of luck to him.
  16. Sifu

    Football pet hates

    Hated him as a player but as a pundit, he's not bad.
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