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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I'd rather play Raylor on the RW if Ben Arfa plays in the number 10 behind Best. Although having said that, Obertan actually seems to do alright away from home, hmmm..... What away games have you been watching? Certainly did well in the Stoke game; had a decent first half at Old Trafford; did one thing right against Bolton. Just admit he is completely rubbish. Well yeah, as it stands, he is rubbish. Just giving him a bit of credit for some of his more better games
  2. I'd rather play Raylor on the RW if Ben Arfa plays in the number 10 behind Best. Although having said that, Obertan actually seems to do alright away from home, hmmm..... What away games have you been watching? Certainly did well in the Stoke game; had a decent first half at Old Trafford; did one thing right against Bolton.
  3. I'd rather play Raylor on the RW if Ben Arfa plays in the number 10 behind Best. Although having said that, Obertan actually seems to do alright away from home, hmmm.....
  4. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Nice hat there Joey
  5. Just took Adebayor out and put Van Persie in. A good decision methinks.
  6. Thanks lads, those were tough times but like I've said, times have changed and things are much better these days (we don't have the takeaway anymore btw but things were fine from the 2000s up until the time we sold it). (Racism is still there in society mind).
  7. Sifu

    Who can go?

    Can see Harper wanting out in the summer really. He would want to finish his career on a high, not on the bench (understandable really). Still rate the man like, decent enough backup for Krul (I'm still unsure about Elliot).
  8. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    Still can't quite believe we signed this lad (and got the deal all wrapped up in 24 hours!). I like these out of the blue signings, again all credit to Ashley/Llambias/Charnley for getting this one over the line. Of course, the lad will need some time to adapt but I'm confident that once the first goal goes in, he'll be fine. Having Ba alongside him can only benefit him too. (2 Dembas! )
  9. The more quotes that are coming from Lyon about "no contact being made" and the repeated use of "Newcastle are interested", the more I'm sure that this one is definitely a no go. But like TRon said, shouldn't be ruled out if the Cisse transfer is anything to go by - anything can happen. ^ Yeah this could end up being the better option, saves up some money to buy a young, up and coming CB.
  10. We've got 5 months or so to sort out a new contract for Ba. But I guess we'll have to wait until the end of the season before any decision is made really (a "wait and see where the team/club are" based decision as you've implied).
  11. Sifu


    But he's ok, Randy, man Knerb Jockey. Compared to RTG! If that's the same guy he's got a very different tone when he's on here. If that is indeed the same Randy Savage on here, then oh dear, he's lost it...... (Was probably just emotional about the whole thing).
  12. Sifu

    Peter Løvenkrands

    Don't think he'll be let go this month but can definitely see him leaving in the summer. I reckon he can still do a job for a team in the Championship.
  13. Racist abuse is still an issue these days in general society, not just football. Personally, I've heard nowt at home and away games (I actually do make it a point to wear a "Kick it Out" badge whenever I go to away games though). But I think the general situation is improving. The 90s were a terrible time for me and my family living/owning a Chinese takeaway in West Denton. Back then, more often than not, we'd get these charva customers coming in and they'd hurl racist abuse my mum's way, we even had some racist graffiti on the front door telling us to "fuck off you C****y bastards". Then the 2000s came and the charvas grew up and attitudes started changing (the ones who used to racially abuse us were very apologetic actually). Whilst racism has come up again recently, it's usually only a few idiots who have been the offenders.
  14. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Aye, he's a great squad member. Would be decent enough backup to have around.
  15. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    Anything in particular? Big f*** off cheesy grin to start with. Says we've been considering him ever since he came to the club but had been out of our reach financially. Saying with him, Cabaye, Demba, Hatem...things really starting to look exciting. Plays off the shoulder and in behind, but has a lot more to his game than that. Good size and can score left foot, right foot and header. Very significant signing for football club, shows the position we are in when a player they think is right they can make the move. At 26 he's not young, coming into his prime so has the character to step up. Genuinely just looks over the moon. Niceeeeee. What a difference a good signing makes! (mood-wise anyway)
  16. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Looks like more of a reference of him going back to Paris for a few days (he's from there). why would we let him do that though with the City game on sunday? Probably not a few days then, he's probably going for a day or two. Maybe the players have been given a day off?
  17. @GeorgeCaulkin George Caulkin The understanding is that Ba's £7m get-out clause does not come into effect until summer & that he'll stay this month. New deal? #NUFC
  18. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Looks like more of a reference of him going back to Paris for a few days (he's from there).
  19. Sifu


    Would be funny if it's true considering that he is pretty much Sunderland's only creative outlet. If they lose him, they'll have an unspectacular second half of this season. Lower mid-table methinks.
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