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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    I still think that his talent is being wasted sitting on PSG's bench like. Wouldn't mind if we sign him like but this whole saga (what happened in the summer and what's presumably happening now) is boring me tbh....
  2. We're being spoiled now (Not that I'm holding my breath FWIW).
  3. Just caught up with the thread. JP9!!! Sign him up!
  4. The problem with Kalou is he doesn't really have a football brain. This makes him really inconsistent like!
  5. And he was free. Hardly a flop at all. I'm looking forward to his return actually as he looks a canny player.
  6. Sifu


    Ba doesn't have a Twitter account as far as I'm aware. A lot of fakes out there.
  7. I thought he did well. Decent passing, some good strength/hold up play in the middle. The simple stuff really which allowed Cabaye to push up and thus be more influential in the centre. Not sure about his shooting mind. Landed in Leazes Park pond. It was indeed a terrible shot Rush of blood to the head! Shola's shot was marginally worse though
  8. I wouldn't oppose a ball hitting Adrian Chiles' face during the Champions League coverage.
  9. Wow :lol: Well he can do no worse than Sarkozy tbh
  10. Henry's goal: http://www.espn.co.uk/football/sport/video_audio/130101.html
  11. I thought he did well. Decent passing, some good strength/hold up play in the middle. The simple stuff really which allowed Cabaye to push up and thus be more influential in the centre.
  12. Sifu


    Somebody needs to take his PC away. Tit. @Joey7Barton Joseph Barton Right am off, might have a little sabbatical from twitter for a while. Boring the tits off me now. Am going to abstain for a week, see what the withdrawal symptoms are like. Have a nice week people. Spk soon x
  13. Thought it was Shearer by the hairline until I scrolled down Same.
  14. Judging from those comments on that Wednesday forum, it sounds like Tavernier isn't much of a fullback (defensively anyway). Hmmm. Though guess he's still young enough to develop his game/defending! Well at least we could have another option for the right wing....
  15. Sifu


    Looks like Barton's bored and is mouthing off at Matt Holland tonight.
  16. From what I've seen of Nasri this season, he has been average at best.
  17. I'd have Abeid in CM for this one tbh. If he plays like he did against Blackburn, then it would allow Cabaye to be more influential/involved with the play which can only benefit us.
  18. He's done f*** all for Liverpool this season!
  19. Sifu

    St James' Park

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