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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I don't know much about Ravel Morrison tbh but his past does concern me (as well as Rio's tweet which seemed to be directed at Morrison), so will he be more trouble than he's worth? Don't really want anything to knack the team spirit we've got in the squad atm....
  2. They've certainly looked very good recently. Shame that their manager is that cunt Redknapp otherwise I could actually like them....
  3. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    If they got him, I think between him & Yakubu they'd just about get enough goals to get out of trouble. scoring goals hasn't really been there problem though, its the other end that has caused them to be in the relegation zone Indeed and that is mainly down to Kean's shitty tactics. But Johnson potentially to Blackburn is an odd one, is he not getting a look in at Fulham or something?
  4. Could yet make it I think. Might be a last minute decision.....
  5. That's great news Though I suspect he might be on the bench for this one. But I can definitely see him starting the Fulham game.
  6. Indeed I did, Abeid looked good to me. He played it simple which allowed Cabaye to push up and be more of an influence in the game. Don't think Abeid is ready to face the better teams yet but I think he'll be fine against QPR (and similar). Honestly couldn't work out where Abeid was meant to be playing on Saturday. He was shaky in the first half, but moved a good ten yards ahead of Cabaye in the second, which worked well with Yohan sitting back and supplying from deep. If it's gonna be one of Vuckic or Abeid alongside Cabaye on Sunday, it'd be Vuckic every time for me. Hope Guthrie's fully fit though tbh. Well, the best case scenario is Guthrie being fully fit but I honestly doubt he'll be ready for QPR (might see him on the bench though).
  7. He's looked decent for England (once anyway). Has literally done nothing of note for the Scousers.
  8. I'm not worried as such (in that I'm confident he won't leave). I seem to remember some quotes from Pardew saying that Colo will "wait until the end of the month" before properly deciding (well that's how the quotes can be spun anyway). Wait and see I guess......
  9. Since Sunday 18 April 2010? Yeah, quite a lot. Unless you support Everton Edit: I realise this is the NUFC rumours thread. Couldn't resist.
  10. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/2/denied_encino_man.gif The fat dude who gets mugged and then dies in 24. Season... fiiii-six-fiiiive? Season 5. Played Lynn McGill
  11. Sounds just what we need after the success story that was Nile Ranger. Hmmm, well at least he and Nile can be best mates.......
  12. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    His high wage demands are the reason only low and about to go clubs like Wolves and QPR are bidding for him? Not sure I can get my head around that logic. Forgetting us for a second, surely if he was as decent as people are suggesting he should be having a better caliber of club than that going after him. Well, if QPR have indeed made a bid, can definitely see them paying Onuoha what he wants (due to the money they now have available from Fernandes). I also hear Hughes has been given £30 million to spend too... The transfer fee itself is low but can't see Wolves matching the lad's wage demands. But then again, maybe his reputation isn't as high as it appears......
  13. A story of one Demba and his strawberry syrup
  14. Ah Eurosport, the last time I watched a game on there was our win against 1860 Munchen in the Intertoto Cup many years ago.
  15. Indeed I did, Abeid looked good to me. He played it simple which allowed Cabaye to push up and be more of an influence in the game. Don't think Abeid is ready to face the better teams yet but I think he'll be fine against QPR (and similar).
  16. We don't have one, though. Plus, Cabaye would be far better with a box-to-box CM partner - not that I'm suggesting Vuckic fully fits that description. Abeid played the role well last Saturday.
  17. Another bizarre interview from Mancini.....
  18. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought he had a weird running style
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