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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Terrible, absolutely terrible performance. He didn't cause Enrique any problems whatsoever and overall, he did fuck all. His reaction to when he lost the ball when he ran into the referee was fucking embarrassing. He just stood there looking so gormless. Inexcusable. Simply has to be dropped to the bench.
  2. Was absolutely at fault for Liverpool's second goal, should have left it to Krul! Tbf to him though, the third goal was the combination of Tiote/Simpson. Still needs to improve his forward play. One of his worst performances tonight.
  3. Just got back from watching the game in town. It was an absolutely frustrating performance to sum it up imo. We did have one good spell of possession in the second half which I appreciated (unlike everyone else in the pub) and that was our only bit of good play really. Ba did his best to try and force an opening but he was left completely isolated. No striker partner and essentially no support from Vuckic cost us tbh. Starting Vuckic in a game like this was probably a bad call imo. I can understand starting him against lesser teams like WBA, but against Liverpool, it was the wrong choice to make. Liverpool's goals were terrible ones to concede from our point of view. No-one had Bellamy covered (good finish tbf) for the first goal; Simpson was entirely at fault for the second goal, should have left it to Krul and the third goal, Tiote picked the wrong option giving the ball back to Simpson as Danny was put instantly under pressure by the Liverpool players which led to him putting it out of play. Had we been more adventurous (and started Ben Arfa FFS), then we might have got something from this game. Man U next then *gulp*.
  4. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Looks like it (quotes are in the HBA thread).
  5. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    On the bench for the foreseeable future then.....
  6. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    Who are these people? Imagine having Alan Smith as your favourite footballer. f***ing c***s. :lol: (Tbf he had a decent few months in the Championship imho, for his standards anyway).
  7. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Henry was a fantastic player like. Unstoppable on his day. Lost a lot of my respect for him due to the handball in the Ireland game mind (and his reaction to our 3-1 win at Highbury).
  8. Tbf Point Break is a decent film.
  9. The way he left was a bit off yeah but I kinda understand his reasons for leaving and why the club allowed him to leave. Oh well.
  10. Moaned a lot about lack of ambition etc.. then goes to join a Championship club because they are offering him a ludicrous contract (which we would have all cried about if it was offered here). Said club somehow managed to have bigger tossers running them than we do, signing Ba for £7m when you are struggling whilst giving him a mental release clause that there was a very good chance of being activated in 6 months. That's not ambition for me, just incompetence. Don't really remember him saying this tbh. Tbf to Nolan, he was looking out for his future. There was no way we would offer him the kind of contract he's on now (like you've said). In the end, both parties (Nolan and ourselves) benefited really. (Mind you, I do remember him coming out with some shite in the summer - probably what you've mentioned above actually). In any case, I prefer to remember Nolan for the right reasons (helping us get promoted; his goals last season which in a way helped us to stay up; his hat trick against the mackems).
  11. That would be really satisfying to see tbh.... Routledge p*ssed all over him, who knows? We shall see! If I keep telling myself that Obertan will have the game of his life tomorrow, then it could happen
  12. Can see Enrique getting a mixed reception though I suspect the majority will be boos.
  13. That article from the Guardian sounds like something HTT wrote many posts back. That would ruin Carroll further. "Michael Owen's How to Bottle it".
  14. That would be really satisfying to see tbh....
  15. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    He is essentially providing cover for RvP while Gervinho and Chamakh are at the ACoN so I can see why they're doing it.
  16. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Ah so he's actually going through with it. This is somewhat like Robbie Fowler's return to Liverpool....
  17. Routledge too in the Championship iirc.
  18. I have a feeling that we'll see the second coming of Obertan tomorrow
  19. Sifu

    Players in public

    If it was a day other than Christmas Eve then I would probably understand some fans being p*ssed off with photo requests being turned down. Being one of the busiest shopping days of the year (and the stress that comes with it), you can understand why Sammy didn't have time/didn't want to have his photo taken.
  20. It's probably Wireside trying to sabotage our name. More than likely.
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