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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Probably the best way to go really.
  2. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Ben Arfa, like Ba at the time, needs games. Simply put. With games comes progress, I'm sure after a run of them, Ben Arfa will be fine. From the article Dave posted above: The player himself feels good so I think it's a matter of time before Ben Arfa will be a regular in the side. I mentioned this before, when Ba goes to the ACoN, that's Ben Arfa's chance to try and shine. i could understand not playing him in every game over a supposedly busy period but he's proved he can handle 90mins so why drop him to the bench for weeks on end. Ben Arfa should start against Liverpool and subsequent games after that, no doubt about that in my mind. It's just that going by Pardew's comments, it just seems to me that Ben Arfa isn't going to get a proper chance until Ba heads off to the ACoN.
  3. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Pardew said in his post-match interview that Ben Arfa is well liked in the dressing room.
  4. Another bullet dodged by us. Nah... If he was here, where he wanted to be, in a good side - he'd look a lot more like the player we saw at Wigan. Having McLeish as your manager can only be discouraging really......
  5. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Ben Arfa, like Ba at the time, needs games. Simply put. With games comes progress, I'm sure after a run of them, Ben Arfa will be fine. From the article Dave posted above: The player himself feels good so I think it's a matter of time before Ben Arfa will be a regular in the side. I mentioned this before, when Ba goes to the ACoN, that's Ben Arfa's chance to try and shine.
  6. Sifu


    Just seen it myself.
  7. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Must have been a short meeting
  8. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He isn't at his best, he's still much better than Best. and unless there is some physical problem, which seems unlikely given he played from the start twice in manchester, then it doesn't make sense. Yeah, bizarre comments from Pardew really. Hope to fuck Hatem starts on Friday like.
  9. Hmmm, think he'll be fine for Friday.
  10. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    Canny assist, that was it. FAO James, Santon, if fit though, should always start ahead of Raylor imo.
  11. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    If he'd brought Ben Arfa on before the fans stated to call for him then I might have thought he learned from his mistakes. We'll know a little bit more when we see the team to play Liverpool. Indeed, if Ben Arfa doesn't start on Friday, there will be questions....
  12. Think we can get a draw from this. Looking forward to this game actually.
  13. My mackem mate (who's usually sensible) told me before the start of the season that we won't score goals with Demba Ba upfront Going to seeing my mate tomorrow (lives in Dorset these days), think that will be the time to mock him.
  14. Maybe not amazing, but this is exactly what he should be doing with his pace. Get into the space behind the full back and put a (preferably) low cross into the danger area. I think it's pointless trying to put high crosses in targeting our strikers, seeing as our wingers aren't very good at crossing and our strikers are better on the deck than they are in the air. Our wingers are fast and our striker(s) are clinical in front of goal, so whilst not amazing the assist was exactly what I'd like to see Obertan (and Jonas for that matter) do much more often in a match. Yep
  15. We can go there and WIN! COME OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!! I'm actually looking forward to the game on Friday now (still buzzing from today's win and Ben Arfa's contribution methinks).
  16. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Got it completely wrong in the first half but bringing Ben Arfa on at the time he did (and actually bringing him on too) was the correct decision. Just hope Pards keeps learning from his mistakes.
  17. Sifu

    Leon Best

    I think Best's recent poor form is all down to confidence really. He usually has a decent touch but today he was poor in all aspects (he did have one good moment when he got past the defender on the wing in the second half). Guess it's the case that if Best goes on a prolonged run without scoring, then he's simply not a confident player. Due to his poor form, has to be dropped to the bench really.
  18. Didn't really do much in the first half (not that anyone else was better) but improved gradually in the second half. His assist for Ba's goal is exactly what we're looking for from him. He has to be encouraged to do more of that.
  19. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Brilliant finish from the lad. Definitely changed the game for the better when we were lacking an attacking edge. Sure he lost the ball a few times but it didn't cost us. One piece of good defending from the lad too actually. Has to start against Liverpool.
  20. Changed my captain from Ben Arfa to Aguero. Oh well.
  21. Great to have him back. Solid enough performance I thought considering it was his first proper game since coming back from injury.
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