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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. On a sidenote, tbf to Shola, whenever he has come off the bench this season, he has done decent enough imo (WBA/Swansea aside.....).
  2. I really want to put Sturridge in but I don't want to take out Adebayor, Rooney or Aguero......argh.
  3. Sifu

    Players in public

    And here is said video: http://twitpic.com/7xdlk7
  4. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Agreed. He's still much too raw atm, a loan will do him a lot of good. Sammy can't change games unfortunately. Mind you, he could cause some problems using his pace but that's it really.
  5. Hmmm But your ITK is always highly reliable. It's just that this one is a bit ridiculous/funny like
  6. Point deduction and hefty fines definitely. By supporting Suarez in the manner they're doing, Liverpool are making a mockery of "Kick It Out". They're supporting a player who admitted to racist language so it's as if they're saying, "it's okay to say racist words really." If one of our players did it, I'd probably want them sacked straightaway and I wouldn't care who the player is, you can't excuse racist behaviour.
  7. Is this from the same lad who told you all of that other guff a month or so back? Nope. Completely different lad, this one is a director at a city of London merchant bank who knows Vetere and Jiminez. They're not employed by the club anymore so what would they know about the club these days? Sorry but can't/won't believe your ITK!
  8. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Well Chris Moyles is a bit of a dick......
  9. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Looks like Chelsea want the "first choice England CBs" as their first choice CBs. Don't know why but can see Cahill being Terry's long term replacement.....
  10. Sifu

    St James' Park

    I see you can buy St. James' Park street signs in the club shop. Nice.
  11. Sifu

    Players in public

    Just saw Rob Elliot in Eldon Square. Shorter than I expected. EDIT: also saw Steve Stone too.
  12. A simpler solution would be (from right to left): Jonas Cabaye Tiote Ben Arfa Vuckic Ba This will never happen though due to the Ben Arfa-wing thing. I can dream.....
  13. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Actually, yeah good shout....
  14. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    That's more like it really. (It's a start anyway).
  15. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Hmm yeah, that is another way to look at it.
  16. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Cabaye being back will probably be a big plus. With him back in the side, we're less likely to play long ball imo. So maybe that's one reason why Pardew is going to persist with 4-4-2 for the time being?
  17. Raylor back in the team on Monday then. f***'s sake
  18. Christ, 10 years ago?! Top of the leagueeeeee.
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