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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Was one of the positives from tonight. Some good attacking play from him. Promising, he's certainly one for the future. If only one of his shots went in......
  2. Covering for Raylor has probably knacked him. Jonas has really been off form recently, worrying signs.
  3. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    It was a good runout for the lad. Kept possession well and we actually started looking like an attacking threat when he came on. Encouraging.
  4. Very poor performance. Simply put, West Brom were the better team and played better stuff than us. Defensively we were shocking with tonight being Colo's worst game this season. One thing that annoyed me was inexplicably taking Santon off and putting Raylor on. Puzzling. Overall, poor tactics from Pardew, playing such a high defensive line and persisting with the direct approach. The amount of f***ing hoof-balls was f***ing annoying. There was absolutely no need for that. Vuckic was a positive today so it will be a shame to see him out of the team against Bolton but having Cabaye back is a big plus - it would save us from playing hoofball anyway.
  5. So yeah, we haven't been that great. We looked energised early on but then went flat when WBA scored. When Ba's free kick went in (has to be said again that it was lovely), we started playing again. WBA's second goal was a poor to concede from our point of view, terrible marking/defending. Hopefully we'll score early in the second half. If we do, then can see us ultimately winning the game.....
  6. Oh and best of luck to Vuckic. I look forward to seeing him play tonight
  7. 2-1 win to us. Best and Ben Arfa. It's going to be a close game like but think we'll be alright in the end. Hopefully Ben Arfa will come on for at least half an hour.
  8. Just caught up with the thread. I hope to fuck, it's true and we'll be rid of him next month. I guess a payoff now makes more sense than a payoff in summer (the number of months left on the contract being key really).
  9. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He'll come off the bench and the score the winner tonight tbh Watch and see.
  10. He'll be branded a racist and his image, endorsements and status will be damaged beyond repair. He's f***ed. Basically. I would hope the FA have enough sense to drop him from the England team too. I don't care if he's captain, you can't excuse racist behaviour and it would be a detriment to the team at the Euros too (media coverage and all that). (Plus he's not the defender he once was).
  11. I say give him it next season tbh.
  12. Sifu

    Striker Shortlist...

    That fee is well within our budget like. It's a good price! Howay Ashley, get it sorted (not confident he will though).
  13. Reading RAWK posts hurts my brain.
  14. Fair enough, personally I don't pay attention to any of that, didn't even know about it, I just think he's done a good job for NUFC and been one of only three consistent team members in a period where we've come from right down in the doldrums to where we are now and has been a big part of the team spirit that has carried right through. He's not a great player by any stretch of the imagination but he's never hid, played nearly every game across three massive seasons for us, played out of position when asked and never been an ounce of bother despite looking like he might be a prime candidate for it on the surface. If we didn't sign footballers who were arrogant, we'd barely be able to put a squad together. I say all this as someone who really disliked him as a player when he first arrived too, thought he was barely a Championship player but he's an average Premier League full back, which is absolutely fine for where we've been in recent times. Just get a bit sick of people saying they hate our players, even on a personal level, who've done nothing to deserve it, Guthrie and Lovenkrands are another two examples. Now Alan Smith - there's somebody we can all be united in detesting. I actually didn't mind Simpson as a player when he first arrived. He was just what we needed, ie. an actual right back after Beye left. He did have an uncertain start to this season admittedly (which is really down to personal problems) but he has definitely improved as the season has progressed imo. As it stands, he should definitely remain the first choice RB. Perhaps he isn't the long term option but he would certainly be great back up. He's 24 so there is still some time for him to improve his game and you never know, he could develop into a great fullback in the next couple of seasons or so.
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