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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Good to see that Pardew can't instill any professionalism into our players. The season's over for us but a manager should still be expected to motivate his squad of players to play at their best week in, week out but instead the players we're seeing on the pitch have no passion or fighting spirit. Pardew's incompetence and his clear non-commitment to the cause have rubbed off on the players. No-one cares anymore at this football club and what a fucking shame that fucking is.
  2. Reminded me of this article in Friday's Metro, was amazed we didn't get a mention: http://metro.co.uk/2014/04/04/football-fans-can-deal-with-suffering-just-dont-ever-let-it-be-dull-4688725/ I am truly amazed by the lack of coverage and basic understanding of the situation Newcastle fans find ourselves in by all but a few media sources. Even local radio stations are clueless about how the real fans feel and quite frankly the national media couldn't give a f***. We just suffer on in silence. People at work ask me about the football and I tell them it's f***ing desperate, without fail I get a response along the lines of "You must be really pleased you're top half though". This happens every single time for me too. One of the problems living somewhere that's not Newcastle I guess...
  3. Do kindly f*** off Alan.
  4. Pardew and decency is a pipedream anyway. He will never walk on his own accord.
  5. They're blatantly saying all that to stay in the club's good books - the last thing BBC Newcastle want is to have their commentary rights removed.
  6. He's fast approaching Souness levels (especially in terms of freezing out players) - this is something I would not have expected to happen a couple of years ago (ie. comparing Pardew to Souness) but Pardew's managed it. Pardew's hyperinflated ego knows no bounds and it's to our detriment, much like how Souness' high opinion of himself had a negative impact on us.
  7. That's poor, it's not really. Got goals across the team. Fellaini will score. I can feel it.
  8. I feel nothing (but a hint of anger is setting in...). The sooner this season finishes the better. f***ing Pardew.
  9. Glad I missed this. Sounds like it was a boys vs men situation. Down the table we go...
  10. Lots of Bayern fans drinking around Piccadilly Gardens today. Hope they have a good day down here so in that sense, I hope Bayern destroy Man U tonight.
  11. Sifu


    If a win against us could win them the title, they'll go all out and knowing us, we'll happily lose by a good 6 goals.
  12. Uh oh, what have you done Moyes?
  13. John Anderson doesn't think he made 'that much' of a contribution when he came on. :lol; Just the f***ing assist. Who is John Anderson and how is he getting paid for that s***. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Anderson_(Irish_footballer) He also orders the following food from the Chinese takeaway: Chicken Spring Rolls Crispy King Prawns in Salt and Chilli Pepper with Chips Crispy Shredded Chicken in Chilli and Peking Sauce with Egg Fried Rice This is insider knowledge, I served him many a time when my parents had the takeaway all those years ago. He always went for the same thing (his wife usually called to put the order in in advance).
  14. John Anderson doesn't think he made 'that much' of a contribution when he came on. :lol; Just the f***ing assist. Who is John Anderson and how is he getting paid for that s***. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Anderson_(Irish_footballer) He also orders the following food from the Chinese takeaway: Chicken Spring Rolls Crispy King Prawns in Salt and Chilli Pepper with Chips Crispy Shredded Chicken in Chilli and Peking Sauce with Egg Fried Rice
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