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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Explain. Apparently he's struggling atm so he's having a fitness test now!
  2. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    If he comes on tomorrow (will be almost certain to be on the bench like), I can definitely see him score a goal.
  3. Lee Dixon talks some sense there.
  4. Sifu

    The England Thread

    The FA are appealing against Rooney's ban (even though the appeal will do f*** all).
  5. An Evertonian having this much power is a bit unsettling. Though I'm more worried about Mike being a mod
  6. The list of bollocks MacDonald says just keeps getting longer.
  7. This video is not available in your territory
  8. That would be quite genius. Though unfortunately, don't think this will be so.
  9. Sifu


    They were so good that they broke their own record.
  10. Well, to put it in its more formal phrasing - I trust to Pardew's judgement to make the right call.
  11. Sifu


    Well, at least they have a record in the PL's history books.
  12. He's been sent over to Greece to sort their s*** out. Makes sense.
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