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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. But hopefully, if he is sent out on loan, he'll continue developing.
  2. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    Man management ftw.
  3. The BBC videprinter at first said 1-0 to Stoke
  4. Kluivert, was hoping the change of scenery by moving to us would reignite his passion for the game. Wrong.
  5. David Edgar, seemed competent enough.
  6. Boumsong. Had a good few games initially.
  7. It's a canny offer. Hopefully he'll sign it in the coming weeks.
  8. Fingers crossed it's not serious.
  9. Its stuff like that, that could be written in the stars like. Would be fitting.
  10. Carroll A part of me is somewhat happy seeing him fail but then again I do feel some sort of sympathy for him (not a lot mind). Maybe if his manager wasn't Kenny Dalglish, he'd be doing better......
  11. Sending out Abeid, Vuckic and Ferguson on loan will definitely do them a lot of good. Got no objections whatsoever as long as they play in the Championship
  12. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    Aye, the last thing I expected!
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