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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu


    Chopra has certainly gone up in my estimation. Still think he's a bit of an idiot like.
  2. Aye, Gary Neville is doing a good job as a pundit. f***ing annoying voice though.
  3. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    Some people still let that WBA game cloud their judgement about Guthrie. My mate says that he can't really forgive Guthrie for that slip because it essentially cost Hughton his job. I still rate the lad and his performance last night just shows that he is pretty reliable. What a naive, narrow minded view from your mate, his days were clearly numbered anyway and we deserved a pasting that day, the entire team were embarrassing. Indeed Nate, I'm trying to set him straight. He does give Guthrie credit when it's due but he's still standing by that "Guthrie cost Hughton his job" thing. I'm sure in time, he'll let that go.
  4. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Bloody hell, that's crazy and not on.
  5. Sifu

    U23s & Academy

    Hope Kadar has a good game.
  6. Good Aye, good to see action being taken Was absolutely disgusting behaviour from that Jonathan Phipps mong.
  7. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Can see Mancini getting it purely based on the 6-1.
  8. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    Some people still let that WBA game cloud their judgement about Guthrie. My mate says that he can't really forgive Guthrie for that slip because it essentially cost Hughton his job. I still rate the lad and his performance last night just shows that he is pretty reliable.
  9. Think we do need the lad back for Everton tbh.
  10. Interesting. Finally some money?
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