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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Think Ryder is becoming a bit obssessed with these EA Sports stats, but that is impressive nontheless. Dreamboat I do appreciate stats from time to time but most of them are a load of bollocks unfortunately.
  2. I've put Rooney on the bench, don't think he'll be back this weekend but he could very well be back after the international break.
  3. This is only for a full internal review however. After this, further action could be forthcoming. Ah right. (Didn't actually read the statement oops).
  4. Chelsea players being cunts as usual.
  5. Sifu

    Players in public

    Was Pulis wearing his trusty cap?
  6. Yep he did. Did well according to the official site. Good to hear Hopefully, we'll see him in action at some point on Saturday.
  7. And he's still only 24. What an achievement.
  8. Should have been a longer suspension imo.
  9. What a save from the Valencia keeper.
  10. Yeh...but they can say how impressed they are without sticking the boot in on their past employers. Exactly.
  11. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    And we have a winner: @Joey7Barton Joseph Barton Winner of the #playjoeyonfifa comp is @teddystwit so many great entries and i'd love to take u all on but in the end had to pick 1 at random The lad's tweet: @Teddystwit Teddy Clark @Joey7Barton Play me at Fifa Joey! as we're both northerners in London, lets represent and make it Yorkshire vs Merseyside! #playjoeyonfifa
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