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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. That's what the show is about though isn't it? "The show claims to have discovered the identities of dozens of footballers who have failed drugs tests for cocaine and cannabis. " Indeed.
  2. Once the player is named, then surely a ban would be coming his way and the FA will have to face the repercussions for covering it up?
  3. If it did turn out to be Carroll (nee chance imo) then this story is the last thing he needs atm.
  4. Sifu


    Mackems have got a good deal there though Bruce will probably spend it on someone s***.
  5. Are there still going to be scheduled backups btw?
  6. would you be happy if Simpson was our RB for the next 5 years? wouldn't mind him being a squad player over next 5 years tbh But I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm still hoping he'll turn into a great RB.... That is never going to happen. He is 24 and he is s*** scared when in possession of the ball, he struggles to control anything more than a basic pass, he can't beat a defender and his passing is usually a 5 yarder or a long aimless punt upfield. He is a very limited right back, at best he is decent defensively BUT he won't ever be a great RB, not even close Time will tell I guess, just going to have to see how this season goes for him. We'll/I'll be able to make a proper judgement on him come May time.
  7. Tbh I'm only ever fairly sure that we'll lose a game, games like this could be a win, draw or loss and there are a lot that seem to fit into that category, this season and last. Those games in Manchester in November f***ing terrify me.
  8. would you be happy if Simpson was our RB for the next 5 years? wouldn't mind him being a squad player over next 5 years tbh But I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm still hoping he'll turn into a great RB....
  9. The lad is a lost cause here really.
  10. Fell for it How about this one? http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/Newcastle-United-striker-Nile-Ranger-arrested-for-drink-driving-article797762.html
  11. Sifu

    Tamas Kadar

    Aye, though I'm hoping it's just a fitness issue and that he hasn't done something to upset the management à la Ranger........ I'm starting to think that this could be the case Don't know why I think this, I just have a feeling that Kadar's attitude hasn't impressed the management...
  12. Whilst I have a predicted a win for us, it wouldn't be too bad if we get a draw out of this.
  13. Well in any case, looks like he's had a run in with the law again so aye, he's a f***ing idiot.
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