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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Looks like Ferguson could be back in time for the Arsenal game. Good news imo.
  2. They're closer to it than us. True Really hope the Scousers struggle this season (wishful thinking........)
  3. I honestly thought Jose said that he wanted Champions League football???
  4. Sifu


    Still a 4 for me despite the Jose development.
  5. Somewhat appeased but at the same time cautious. My mood would be better than my current one.
  6. Can't think of anything......
  7. Aye, having had a thought about it, transfer fees aren't really relevant for us anymore
  8. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Especially Danny like.
  9. @Sammy_Ameobi Samuel Ameobi Feels good to get another 2 goals under my belt...overall great night! #confidencelift
  10. £10 million, I've got no problem with that. It's a good fee. The destination being Liverpool however................
  11. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Didn't realise he got banned!
  12. Levels: http://c0013894.cdn1.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/x2_782f5e5 (Available for iPad, iPhone and iTouch).
  13. Sifu

    U23s & Academy

    "You don't win trophies with youngsters."
  14. Beardsley does talk s*** these days..............
  15. Screenshot: http://c0013894.cdn1.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/x2_782dd8a
  16. Just scored another one
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