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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. The circus is well and truly in town. He is so fucking deluded and so out of touch with reality that it's unreal.
  2. Slagging off the fans. Thanks Joe.
  3. What the fuck is he on about.
  4. Hmmm, not sure why I'm listening...
  5. Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows this is a horrendous idea. Unfortunately, we're owned by a man who appears to have no common sense whatsoever. How can one individual be devoid of any intelligence? Jobs for mates it is.
  6. It is laughable that we're allowing a loon announce things before we do it ourselves. Fucking amateurs. Professionalism right down the pan.
  7. Actually this is the most genuine thing going for us. We have no idea how good or not Kinnear will or wont be. Again clutching at straws. I have no faith whatsoever. This is one of those situations which you just know will end in tears.
  8. My mate reckons that transfer-wise, Kinnear shouldn't be too bad
  9. The fuckers will never learn.
  10. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    I'd rather have Pardew calling the shots than Kinnear and that really is saying something. What have we done to fucking deserve this man?
  11. WHY?! FUCKING WHY?! Absolute fucking joke, this makes no sense footballing-wise or commerical-wise. Why bring back who was a factor in our relegation? Fucking thick cunts.
  12. What a waste of fucking resources. Fuck right off. Overseeing playing style AND transfers? Really couldn't think how worse things could get here, this is it.
  13. Nice to know that the club are still finding ways to ruin our weekends, even after the end of the football season.
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