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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Mainly because they want Wenger in 2014 when his Arsenal contract runs out, so they are just offering coaches one year, any coach worth his salt will more likely reject that offer. So they got Blanc, someone who needs to prove himself again after the France debacle and not really in the position to reject a PSG job. What this should mean though is the Ancelotti to Madrid and Higuain to Arsenal deals are tied up pretty quickly. Blanc did a cracking job at Bordeaux like. A return to Ligue 1 is probably what he needs but don't think a short-term role will benefit him at all.
  2. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Only ever been to Shearer's once for a pre-match pint. Was all a bit meh tbh but can't help but feel that St James' has lost a little more of its soul (and that's mainly down to the bar being the only sort of "tribute" to Big Al at the stadium).
  3. Such extensive football knowledge from our Director of Football.
  4. Sifu


    I sincerely apologise in advance
  5. Sifu


    http://images.icnetwork.co.uk/upl/buckinghamadv/sep2010/6/8/beaconsfield-high-sixth-form-image-4-903233558.jpg Alreet Sifu! Tempted fate haven't I?
  6. Sifu


    I actually toyed with the idea that Wise would be no worse than Kinnear...think I'm going to regret having such thoughts...
  7. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Pardew is going to break eventually. His ego is, more than likely, going to lead him to walk...
  8. Sifu

    Derek Llambeezy

    Can't say I'm particularly arsed that he's gone. He's really not done anything of note apart from lying to/slagging off the fans (the "you don't know how terrible we can be" line). Always seemed to be a cunt. But having said that, we're now left with only Kinnear at the helm...
  9. City away aside, not a bad for our opening fixtures...
  10. Ah well. That's (presumably) our number 1 target well and truly gone. Next.
  11. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    It's as someone described it on the previous page(s), Pardew is literally the lesser of two evils. He literally is a saint compared to Kinnear. Won't shed any tears mind if he does decide to go but the way I'm feeling right now is that I'm on Pardew's side on this (never thought I'd be saying that this summer).
  12. Insult Mike, both of them. Haha.
  13. Yep, he's a definite mackem cunt.
  14. I may be a lot of things, but pro-Kinnear is definitely not one of them. is anyone?! "Jamie" is one.
  15. With Star Trek music in the background.
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