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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Source: Daily Star. I sense bullshit.
  2. My workmates wanted to buy me the new home strip for my birthday...good thing it's not on sale like as I really don't want one (as long as Wonga are on the strip, not buying one at all).
  3. Good luck for the future Danny.
  4. I would be very disappointed if that turned out to be true.
  5. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    I wouldn't be happy either to see a cunt wear the club's most valued/revered number.
  6. 26 pages and nothing of note from him bar a few Europa League cameos. Ah well.
  7. Ever since his solid performance against Blackburn in the FA Cup a couple of seasons ago, I had high hopes for this lad - he looked solid, composed and unfazed by it all but it looks like it just wasn't to be. Best of luck to him wherever he ends up.
  8. Maybe, just maybe, the negative reaction he's going to get from the fans during this meeting will be enough to make him resign from his post... Fingers crossed.
  9. It's just that Abeid's performance against Blackburn in January 2012 filled me with hope that he would make it...
  10. Shame about Abeid if true like. Really liked the lad, guess it wasn't to be.
  11. Include the tongue-cutting scene please. But Oldboy Kinnear would come out stronger than ever. At least he won't be able to talk. Just imagine what a bonus that will be. This will benefit everyone. I say let's do it.
  12. So if we have indeed given him an office, can't we just lock him in there for 3 years (almost like in Oldboy?). Black out all the windows and all that too?
  13. I would say the latter, especially after that email thing he did at Brighton, think they want him out ASAP. You don't suspend a manager unless you want him out imo.
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