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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. You really can't help but laugh at this like. :lol: Fuck sake man, if there's even an ounce of substance in this, don't know what I'm going to do but it won't be pleasant. Actually, now that we're at it, might as well bring Wise back as well. Fucking cunts, the lot of them up above.
  2. yeah true, odd timing though that he's jumped straight back on twitter. Good in a way I guess. Tbf though, he must have received a lot of tweets last night (admittedly, I tweeted him too ). a supportive tweet? Asked him if the rumours were true and that he was off to Monaco, would never say anything bad to Yohan
  3. yeah true, odd timing though that he's jumped straight back on twitter. Good in a way I guess. Tbf though, he must have received a lot of tweets last night (admittedly, I tweeted him too ).
  4. Just retweeting abuse as most footballers do...
  5. Nope, big snoozefest tbh. Brazil has come close three times, but rest has been passing around the back because there's no movement up front. It's good to know that I'm not missing much then.
  6. I only managed 3 minutes of this game before I got bored. Anything else happen?
  7. Other than this one bloke, there's been no mention at all of this though, no other evidence to say it was even mentioned by L'Equipe TV. You'd have thought there'd be more than one person mentioning it in the whole of France if it was. Just seeming more and more like bullshit at the moment, even more so since this same person said Victor Valdes was having a medical with Monaco 3 weeks ago. Very valid points actually. Still though can't help but feel that this will set off some sort of chain reaction.
  8. Losing my faith in L'Equipe like
  9. Looks like I (and many others) may have jumped the gun with that tweet last night. Still though, this isn't the last we'll hear about this. Can I take 2/3 months of this with regards to most of our players though? A meltdown is coming come the start of the season I think. Yay.
  10. For me, Williamson is an unspectacular CB of limited ability who can, from time to time, be a solid player to have at the back given the correct mindset/confidence. His weaknesses were badly exposed last season though and that did make him, more often than not, the weakest link of the team unfortunately. A 4th choice CB at best at a club like this really. Having said all that, all the best to him if he does move on, he never kicked up a fuss in his time here and has always remained professional (especially after that "other guy" shite from Pardew). He genuinely had a fair few solid games too, just a shame that he seemed to have a lot more bad games than good in the PL. Thanks for the Championship, 2010/11 and a bit of 2011/12.
  11. It does seem to be the case that with every bad news, comes good news when it comes to us. I don't particularly like this trade off.
  12. The way it's going, we're looking a mid-table at best for the foreseeable future with no sign of progress. That's ambition for you under this lot.
  13. I've gotten so attached to Cabaye that this is actually quite gutting but I guess it's the sign of things atm with us. f*** our business model.
  14. Shola. Built like a tank, moves like a tank.
  15. Hmmm, why did I just Google image goatse? Cannot be unseen now...
  16. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Money, money, money Must be funny In the rich man's world Money, money, money Always sunny In the rich man's world Aha-ahaaa All the things I could do If I had a little money It's a rich man's world
  17. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    And Lloyds yesterday in relation to their PPI complaint handling process...
  18. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    He plays in a league sponsored by a bank, plays against teams with betting and gambling sponsors, has a huge drinking culture associated with it, has its kits made in sweat shops by the poor and flogged to the masses for 50-60 quid a pop. You play football in england, take the wage, then you gotta accept it f***ing wreaks to high heaven of s***. I like how 'bank' has been turned into a dirty business Also, don't think what other teams wear has any impact on his convictions over what he personally does/wears/promotes. Same goes for the drinking culture. I don't especially care one way or another mind you, I'm just fake-arguing for the sake of it He does shisha which I don't think is in line with Islamic beliefs, just for balance Without going into too much detail, the Banks really haven't done themselves any favours recently.
  19. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    He plays in a league sponsored by a bank, plays against teams with betting and gambling sponsors, has a huge drinking culture associated with it, has its kits made in sweat shops by the poor and flogged to the masses for 50-60 quid a pop. You play football in england, take the wage, then you gotta accept it f***ing wreaks to high heaven of s***. All very valid but if Cisse genuinely has a problem with it, then can't help but think that we have to respect it. I do note that we should take what he says very lightly considering his appearances at Aspers and him being able to wear a strip with a Bank's name on it.
  20. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    That lad's rather funny tbf.
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