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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. Part time farmers to be correct. IIRC they only used to milk the cows on certain days of the week and would only work two weeks a month.
  2. 1-0. Owen to nick in on the 83rd minute and score with a well placed header.
  3. He hasn't improved for a while though, and there's a point at which his age can no longer be the excuse for his often unintelligent and brash defending.
  4. If they finish in a CL spot though, there's the danger of them strengthening their team with a top class player or two instead of buying more squad players who won't really take their first team forward immediately.
  5. What a cross by Miguel. Nearly 1-1.
  6. Only twice this season have we played as well as we did very frequently last year. If we start playing for the rest of the season as well as we did last year - and it really could happen - then God knows what we could do. Liverpool are top of the league, and have looked absolutely average most of the season. id love to see villa put in a genuine title challage, like you say Liverpool are top without being out of this world and Villa are up there without playing to the standard they can week in week out, anythings possible this season.. I personally want to see Villa crash and burn. One less throat we need to stamp on on our way up the table.
  7. Like the tenth game that I've seen Villa this season and thought "wtf is all this commotion about? They're average".
  8. Don't see how that wasn't a foul on Young, Davenport's foot was in his face.
  9. Milner proving that if you put enough shit crosses into the box, one will bound to deflect off the defender and loop into the back of the net.
  10. Ashley needs to break the bank for Lassana Diarra if he really is available in January. Get in early and offer him big wages to sign before the CL clubs bother stumping up the cash. Makes my mouth water at the thought of him and Guthrie in our central midfield - we wouldn't know the meaning of being sloppy or pushovers in the centre of the park with those two there. Right now, it'd be one of the better central midfields outside the top four. In a few years time, it could easily be the best outside the top four. Well worth the £10-15m asking price Pompey have supposedly set.
  11. tmonkey

    Owen & Martins

    Overall it's working well because Martins is constantly going out wide and causing havoc with his dribbling ability/agility + two footedness + pace. His crossing has been suprisingly good too, he'll always be inconsistent but at least for every bad cross or two he puts in he's very capable of putting in a dangerous one. And as we all know, Owen's movement off the ball is amongst the best in the business, so when Martins is pegging defences back into the penalty box it increases the chances of Owen getting on the end of something. So far it looks like a strong partnership away from home as its shown itself to be mobile and difficult to contain. Defenders ethier have to worry about Owen's movement on top of worrying about Maritns either attacking down the flank or picking the ball up in between their defence/midfield and having a whack at goal, or if Owen drops deep, he'll link with midfield and ghost his way into the box late whilst the defenders now have to worry about Martins' pace getting in behind the central defenders.
  12. Even when he's shit Zog can still put in a cracking delivery. Duff hasn't done that once since coming here.
  13. Personally think he's a bit similar to David Batty, though maybe not as wild in the tackle.
  14. Guthrie seems to have really grown as the season has gone on, and last three games he's been outstanding. I thought after the first 10 mins we pretty much controlled the game. After taking the lead we did drop back, but the difference this game was that we broke with intent and passed the ball well once we broke up their attack. Massive three points and it will do wonders for the team's confidence...not to mention mine. Well done lads. He just reminds me off Makelele at times, obviously nowhere near the same class but he's always at your feet, he regains possession really well, sits in good defensive positions and never gives the ball away, really retains possession well. He also retains posession well when going forward as well which in recent times has been a bit of a rarity. Signing of the season so far for me, Jonas has been good as has Bassong but Guthrie has been consistently good and has shown up in some big games for us. (Possibly over the top there but im very happy at the moment) If we could sign someone like Lassana Diarra to complement Guthrie, we'd have such a strong, snappy, aggressive, consistent, ball retaining central midfield that we'd shoot up the table in no time. Add Barton to that mix in terms of adding someone with a bit of confidence to play the ball and attempt through balls, and we'd be sorted in central midfield in terms of aiming for a top 6 spot.
  15. tmonkey

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Was excellent today against good opposition. Fantastic in possession under pressure, excellent team player, and yet another assist after having forced his way past a player and threaded Owen through on goal.
  16. Really hope that whoever was responsible for those finding these players and signing them - assuming it was not Keegan - continues in their role of finding and recruiting players for the club, particularly with an unknown quantity like Kinnear in charge.
  17. Love the way he calmly punts the ball out of play whenever he's under pressure. None of this fumbling about worrying about trying to pass it to a teamate or back to Shay.
  18. Being interviewed. Let's see if they ask him about his contract.
  19. Quality finish from Guthrie. Passed backwards from Ameobi in a wide position on the byline, Guthrie from the edge of the penalty area passes it firmly into the top corner.
  20. Quality recovery tackle from Enrique. If that was Riise then Defoe probably would've scored.
  21. Owen and Gutierrez blatantly acting like those cunts everyone has played with who know that they are better than everyone else in the team so only want to pass it to each other.
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