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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. tmonkey

    Arda Turan?

    Breaking News: http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30200-13466788,00.html
  2. He's produced some excellent forward passes though, but those up front havent made anything of them.
  3. Deco has been the best player on the pitch.
  4. Nihat doing some excellent defensive work on Tuncay.
  5. Tough one. He was decent for Arsenal, decent for Real Madrid, and hes been decent for Athletico. He has talent, but from that point of view, he frequently disappoints - without being s***. Pros: - Adds more ability and a bit of pace into the squad. - Good cover/competition with respect to the current formation and Martins'/Owen's position. - Reduces the likelihood of Smith/Ameobi getting a game if Martins or Owen pick up an injury. - Should be the end of the waster Duff. - Easy to imagine him doing well under Keegan, who has frequently managed to the best out of his talented attacking players at club level. - Experienced in the Premiership. There'll be no footballing culture shock with him, he knows what its like. Luque/Marcelino being wasters here shouldnt really apply. Cons: - Might be the end of Zoggy. - Might be an addition that only adds another body in the squad rather than the much needed significant improvement on the first team. - Questionable motivation in signing for us when hes at a more successful club. - We've dipped our toes in CL rejects before, and it hasnt worked out.
  6. Beardo + Cole >>> Shearer + Bellamy.
  7. 0191 5013601 - now closed until Monday. WTF.
  8. except right now man utd is the better team. football wise moving to real madrid is not a step up. All the elite sides go through phases where they go from being unbelievably good, to just about scraping together a title challenge. ManU were there a few years ago, when even his captain was questioning the signings and players at the club. If Madrid sign Ronaldo, thats one big step towards them being a considerably better side. They already have a good squad with some good players, just not enough "glue" to hold them all together. And thats why they'll be wanting Ronaldo, along with another key player or two no doubt - the aim is obviously to form a good side by signing him.
  9. tmonkey

    Arda Turan?

    My expectations of commentary at Euro 2008 on Turkey's games, having watched these youtube compilations of Arda: Arda, to Emre, back to Arda, to Emre, back to Arda, what a silky little player he is, beats one, beats two, passes it back in Emre's direction as theyre toying with the opposition yet again... oh wait, Emre's on the floor clutching his thigh and rolling around - but hes back up now. Now the ball is with Arda again on the halfway line, goes past one, past two, what a run, now hes holding the ball up as hes on his own against the entire defence who he surely cant beat...no, no, what a run, hes gone past them, this is a brilliant run, hes now at nearing the opposition penalty area and hes only got the keeper to beat, this could be a wonderful goal. Ah! OH! OH NOES. OH MY LORD, THIS KID IS AWESOME. Nice little celebration. Wait a minute, hes so good, that HES RAPING ALL THE OPPOSITION, HES LITERALLY GOT HIS COCK OUT AND HES RAPING THE ENTIRE DEFENCE AT THE SAME TIME. GOAL GOAL GOAL GOAL GOAL, ARDA f***ing OWNS, SIX GOALS IN 2 MINS 10 SECONDS, ALL WITH GREAT BACKGROUND MUSIC, HE IS QUITE POSSIBLY THE BEST PLAYER I HAVE EVER SEEN, EVAAAAAAA. The reality: Emre picks the ball up, passes it to Arda, who plays a through ball...overhit, easy for the keeper. (5 mins later). Emre on the ball again, another sideways pass to Arda, now Emre is down, looks like he wont be able to continue, but heres Arda on the ball anyway, nice little stepovers from Arda, goes past his man, down the touchline, Sukur calling for it in the penalty area.....out of play for a goal kick. (20 minutes later) Full time whistle has blown, Turkey scrape a 0-0 draw with little to show... Will be good watching him in the Euro's though, although would have been nice to sign a few players up beforehand so we had a few players worth folllowing.
  10. City of Madrid > City of Manchester in every aspect. Madrid trophies > Manchester. Madrid in CL > Manchester in CL. Madrid's legendary players > ManU's legendary players. Bernabeu > Old Trafford. Would be a good move for him if he wants to step up a level or two and aim to be a legendary winger on the global stage by the time he retires, as opposed to another Cantona so to speak.
  11. Cant find a phone number on their website. Is there even any information given about how to cancel the contract? Found a phone number on a forum, rang it, its for subscriptions only. No options to cancel. Fucking ridiculous company they are.
  12. before setanta came along i was more than happy with 50 quid for 50 extra games, thanks very much But if I pay Sky sports why should I fork out an extra 50 quid for 50 games, I bet you get better value with Setanta. So youre saying you'd rather pay £156 for 70 games, most of which are low profile shit ones (eg Birmingham vs Fulham or some crap like that)?
  13. That is absolutely ridiculous. Time to cancel.
  14. Cant make my mind up about him. Looks good in certain situations, dogshit in others. Thought he was woeful against Trinidad, slow and immobile with plenty of bad touches/layoffs. Shearer seems to love him though, and although Shearer might be a bit biased given that we're talking about similar types of forwards (huge gap in calibre though), I think he knows his stuff. I would take Peter Crouch over Ashton at this point in time though, purely because hes more likely to stay fit, which means Ameobi and Smith are far less likely to be playing regularly. If those two start 20 odd games, you can guarantee that we wont be in the top half of the Premiership, and I think that alone is worth £10m in terms of preventing.
  15. Neither good nor bad imo. Hes a good player, but hes not that massive an improvement for Liverpool over e.g. Xabi Alonso. Villa might struggle to replace him, but I think Reo Coker will step up a level.
  16. They'd have to be mental to pay that much. Thats nearly £5m more than what we paid for him. They must be anticipating a storming Euro 2008 from him if the £8m figure is true, which itself is pretty unlikely given the odds on him getting a knock on the ankles/thighs/etc.
  17. Classic Beckham performance. Legendary player - when it comes to playing shit long balls and constantly giving it away to the opposition.
  18. tmonkey

    Mikel Arteta

    Ironically, theres a player called Wigan who plays for Valencia, made his debut for them towards the end of last season and will be in the first team squad for next season.
  19. Good way of putting it. When it comes to CL elite rejects/castoffs, we should avoid: 1) Players who's game used to be based around pace back when they were top class. 2) Players who have a track record of injury problems. I think we'd be better off paying over the odds for some of Blackburn's/Pompey's star players, assuming we could sign them.
  20. tmonkey

    Duff to Mackems?

    Pile of shit is Duff. Completely finished - even when he does play hes total pap. £5mill would be daylight robbery.
  21. Quite clearly bleeding black & white from that slit wrist there.
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