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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. you are quite right. We haven't bought a single player for the last 5 years. I suspect you may have missed the point. Avoided would be the better word. The mans on a mission. I see the point perfectly. It's basically just a pointless post. The fact is, we buy plenty of players and spend more money than most clubs, so why paint something different ? Do you know who Rivaldo is?
  2. you are quite right. We haven't bought a single player for the last 5 years. I suspect you may have missed the point. Avoided would be the better word. The mans on a mission.
  3. To be fair to NE5, you might have said it the past to Leazes Mag or Beermonster, I would check before automatically rubishing his reply. Hes replied to my post and said "your sentance" - hes referring to the post itself. Trouble is, hes made something up in his own head, attributed it to me, and is replying to that.
  4. mackems.gif :lol: Youre being hired by the club, or are in some way trying to benefit from a "see no evil, hear no evil" crusade to defend Shepherd, arent you? A s*** response full of random ramblings. Your opinion of Liverpool under Dalglish doing well in Europe means f*** all, nor does anyone give a s*** about it. It didnt happen, so thats the end of the story. He has no track record of doing well both domestically and in Europe, he only has one and not the other, and his blackburn were shit in Europe, whereas his Pool job was coming close to being a decade ago. We need a manager with both domestic and European competency in his CV, its a requirement for us because its what we expect the person to do here.
  5. The position of 7th is a position we attained only twice in over 30 years ie 7th in 1970 and 5th in 1977, before the current board. Glory days ....... thickmick will say that the old board is "just the same as the current one" though Did any of those boards take over the 2nd best team/squad in the country, with it only being a player or two short of being the very best, and having the facilities and resources required to cement its place at the top for the forseable future? Sadly, in the real world, nobody stays top, or 2nd, forever. Thickmicks favourite chairman Doug Ellis's exploits at Aston Villa are proof of that. Well done pointing out that we were 2nd in the league due to the efforts of a manager chosen and persuaded to take the job by Hall Jnr, Shepherd and Fletcher though. BTW....the facilities and resources were nowhere near the best, but they are now, having been improved massivly during the last decade. Forever? We went into decline as soon as Shepherd took over. Speaks volumes, doesnt it? And why have Arsenal, Liverpool and ManU managed to maintain their positions at the top during the same decade? Maybe because they dont sack their managers 5 games into a season after undermining them, or appoint shiite ones because of a "British preferably, must have managed in England if not" criteria? Theres a difference between not always being able to win, ie slipping slightly from contenders to pretenders, and actually slipping all the way down from contenders to dogshiite, to relegation possibles. Thats what weve done, and theres always a reason behind that - for us, its Shepherd's mishandling of the club due to his own incompetence. For example, take Sir Bobby. We finish 5th despite having a woeful season, Fat Fred does nothing. Houllier finishes 4th whilst having a woeful season, Liverpool sack him, scour the globe for the best manager they can find immediately at the season's end, and appoint a top manager from La Liga. Fred, on the other hand, waits until 5 games into the new season before wielding the axe, scouring England first for English managers (Curbishley, Allardyce, Bruce), then failing that, goes for the next best thing - a Brit. We end up with Souness. Just a simple, idiotic approach to appointing managers has set us back God knows how many years. We might not even recover for all we know. And whos fault is it? Shepherds. Not some unknown, mysterious force working in the background, a force that makes clubs rise and fall. Thats not the way it is - theres a reason behind why some clubs can hit such peaks and troughs. Like West Ham signing two foreign superstars and unsettling the cohesion of their team - thats the reason behind why theyll get relegated, not "because sometimes some clubs go down after doing well". Of course, youre a Shepherd fanatic, which is why youre clinging to these ramblings as opposed to looking at any kind of reason, so its not unexpected of you.
  6. The position of 7th is a position we attained only twice in over 30 years ie 7th in 1970 and 5th in 1977, before the current board. Glory days ....... thickmick will say that the old board is "just the same as the current one" though Did any of those boards take over the 2nd best team/squad in the country, with it only being a player or two short of being the very best, and having the facilities and resources required to cement its place at the top for the forseable future?
  7. All Shepherd will do is break the bank for another "top class" England international, or failing that a big money reject from a CL elite club, and our lot will be tripping overthemselves to forgive and forget everything, including the fact that we have a shit manager with shit staff and plenty of shit players at the club.
  8. tmonkey


    Hes just dogshit. Theres no two ways about it. Shiite player, just not as shiite as many of us feared. In no way should he be playing in the Premiership imo.
  9. tmonkey

    Butt being blunt!

    Given can piss off too then, not like hes ever won anything. Doesnt seem like hes bothered much anymore either, now that hes got his poker budies to dry his tears. Any other toon player saying the season is over should have a word with themselves, at least Butt has the right mentality. Although I still didnt like Dyer's statement of "I just know this is going to take a long while to get out of our system".
  10. tmonkey

    Butt being blunt!

    Thats why hes won various medals with ManU, and Kieron Dyer has won fuck all despite having three times the natural ability of Butt.
  11. Youre talking the article too literally for your own convenience. Hes referring to us losing the title because Keegan lost the psychological battle with Fergie, something which plenty of sports writers, those within the game, and fans, all with far more knowledge and intellect than you, have always acknowledged as a major factor for our failure and the way we crumbled when it mattered. Keegan couldnt take the pressure, and that outburst on live TV personified his inability to handle that pressure. So making reference to that somehow in your eyes means we all should ignore his ENTIRE article? But then, you know all this, you know what youre doing, its just another attempt to defend Shepherd using any nitpicked arguement you can lay your hands on. You honestly do come across as an utterly ignorant and blind Shepherd lover, using any excuse you can possibly find to write off anyone or anything that comes close to criticising the man you love. Theres a difference between genuinely thinking this board is a good one despite its mistakes, and refusing to acknowledge ANY of its faults, which is just fanatical, and thats what you are. The question is, why? I know you love this board, but why defend it from every single criticism thrown at it, the vast majority of which are valid? Anyway, I already know its a waste of time trying to talk to someone who is deaf, so what else in this "london scum's" article is there that means we should reject EVERYTHING hes written? Hasnt used punctuation correctly? Hasnt eaten at the same restaurants as you (assuming you ever have), so therefore his opinion isnt valid?
  12. All high calibre, all classy defenders and leaders at the back, all unrealistic: Andrade Chiuvu Ayala Woodgate Milito
  13. Post of the week. The bits in bold especially. I remember getting a bit pissed off last season when we lost 3-1 at St James' to Liverpool. Roeder had been caretaker boss for several months iirc, and in that game we were utterly played off the pitch by Roeder, and it had feck all to do with Liverpool having individually better players - it was all to do with the organisation of their team, the movement, the fact that they knew what they were doing and went about their jobs. At the time, I remember moaning how we werent going to get anywhere with Roeder because whilst the Pool players were dominating us with good organisation, movement, and passing, we were just a bog standard static side with a schoolboy-level basic formation and visible instructions of "stick it up them". Absolutely nothing from that team would have suggested good coaching, there was no mark of a decent manager in that team. At the time, there were plenty on here replying that Roeder was only a caretaker and needed time to rebuild the team and that is was unrealistic to expect him to emulate Benitez. Fair enough, at the time that was a valid point, but its now 1 year later, and absolutely nothing has changed. There is no movement or organisation or drilling, nothing. The players look as clueless as their manager. Exactly what is Roeder supposed to be doing then? Why is he in the job if hes not going to bring our standard of play up to those of the clubs that are "supposed" to be our competitors, the Pools and Arsenals (amusing how those clubs were behind us when Shepherd took over), clubs that piss over us in every single way these days? Ah, I forgot. Hes our seat warmer for that 35 year old hero who has "left a massive hole" in our club.
  14. Theres just no point bothering without a good manager. We arent going to sign 10 world class players with 10 good calibre backup ones, therefore we need to get a manager in who has his own ideologies, systems, and coaching methods, a manager capable of tactically organising and drilling a team into being a good side. Its this manager who needs to reshape the squad, its this manager who needs to be given the funding. Theres no point shipping out the likes of Bramble, Carr, Luque, etc, and letting a manager like Glenn Roeder sign the replacements. If Roeder isnt good enough in the first place, then hes not going to sign the right players, because he doesnt have a good enough plan, a good enough system to incorporate. And as mentioned, the only alternative to move forward if hes not capable of coaching and building a good side, is to buy an entire team of top class players, which is impossible for us. I think that is essentially what Roeder has tried his best to do, and the reason why he has failed with us. Hes waited in the transfer market for the guaranteed performers options only, the Wayne Bridges. He doesnt have a plan to which he can fit his targets around like Benitez or Jol have, hes just going for the best he can land. Thats why in the summer he was looking to sign one striker and had two choices - Kuyt and Martins. Both strikers are completely and utterly different to each other, so why was Roeder targetting both when he was looking to sign one? Did he want pace up front? Did he want a hard working player? What did he want? Did he know? Im betting he had no plan for our style of play or system, and he still doesnt. Probably because we dont really have a style of play, or a system. Our style of play is dependant on who is on the pitch - if Dyer and Emre are playing, we give the ball to them and they keep it on the ground. If they arent playing, or are playing shiite, we lump it. If Sibierski is playing, we lump it. We basically look a side with no game plan other than the one the players would naturally choose based on the options open to them. It makes me shudder to read about him supposedly wanting a big target man forward. Has the idiot watch the performances of Martins or Owen in a long ball side? Both players suffer immensely, but put them in a passing side that keeps the ball on the ground and has an ounce of movement, and they come to life. Yet our manager wants to make the worst use out of our best players because he has no strategy, no system that he can incorporate (unless he wants to change us into a long ball team, in which case he needs to fuck off even more). Hes just not that calibre of manager. Put simply, theres no point giving the wrong man more time and money.
  15. http://img479.imageshack.us/img479/9438/mankickwomansk0cd3.gif mackems.gif
  16. Useless prat. Other clubs, the ones that see some form of success season in season out, the clubs that were at the same level or below us when Shepherd took over, dont have to cope with the problems we have because they dont spend all their money on signing trophy crocks and trophy has-beens. They dont make idiotic decisions when it comes to appointing managers either, they dont appoint managers who even relegation standard Premiership sides wouldnt take. They dont have a chairman and his family sucking the club dry and taking it downwards just so that chairman can buy all the shares and even more of the "profits". Its just not in HIS interest, is it? Hes only got a 29% holding (much of it bought with the club's money), even though Belgravia were offering 150% of the share price, thats nothing compared to what he leeches out of the club already via dividends, wages+bonuses, his family and friends being in comfy jobs, "fringe benefits" like his brother's empty warehouse being leased by the club, etc etc. No doubt hes going to do his very best to get Halls' shares on the cheap.
  17. tmonkey

    Record Smashed

    I think that list is pretty much spot on with regards to our "good" players, as supposed to average ones (eg Taylor, Butt) and of course the absolute shiite ones. Its amusing how theres not a single defender at this club that we can call "good", yet some on here think we shouldnt invest in defenders as opposed to backup left wingers. Even funnier is how our club's board also have this exact same view of not needing better defenders. Even more hilarious is the fact that those on this forum arguing we dont need to invest in defenders, happen to be the same people who cream themselves nightly when defending the board to the heavens on various forums. Its a small world. But the road to englightenment from the One Shepherd is reachable, and if we strive together, if we blast down the roadblocks from the ignorance of the youthfull ones, we shall prevail!
  18. tmonkey


    You know f*** all tbh.. Roeder like it or not knows more about the game then you will EVER know Aye, thats what I said when Souness was manager - how dare you question Souness' team selections or tactics, dont you realise the man knows more about the game then everyone on here put together? That in itself means he IS a top class manager.
  19. The way Van Gaal made him his bitch without even touching him makes me believe Roeder wouldnt last a week out there.
  20. Chlesea managed to win the title with handicapped players when Duff was there? Amazing.
  21. Strangely, people blame Duff and call him crap because they wanted the manager to sign a LB instead. It doesn't really matter what he does, tbh. The same people will slag him regardless. Fact is he's not great, but he's not bad either. He's a proven PL player for the left side who became available and we needed one. Aye, we needed a left winger more than a left back, as evinced by yesterday's performance - yesterday? The whole season. But in your quest to defend the undefendable and as a result gain the englightenment only the One Shepherd can give, you couldnt care less. Needs to be pointed out that a certain Milner was also sitting on the bench, a player who has done more in about 3-4 games out on the left than Duff has done in 20. But again, your quest makes you KNOW for sure that Milner CANT play on the left. The quest goes on. Tally ho!
  22. tmonkey


    Rather have both of them playing for us. Doubt we have any chance Riquelme...unless....we appoint a certain Hector.......
  23. tmonkey

    Roeder Out

    *Reverting from Shepherd Is God mode* *Entering Non Shepherd Related mode* *Search memory database for "Need Defenders"* *No replies found* *Exit* *Re-Enter Shepherd Is God mode* *Open file "Preivous Boards No Ambition"* *Copy Paste* *Open file "Im Older Therefore Better"* *Copy Paste* *Exit* *Have a wank*
  24. tmonkey

    Roeder Out

    Coleman is no different to Glenn, Pardew, Pearce, or that calibre of manager. We need a manager who will do what Van Gaal has done with AZ, or Benitez with Liverpool, or Sir Alex with ManU. A manager capable of organising the club on and off the pitch, drilling tactical discipline and organisation into our players, getting them to pass and move as a team, get them playing with some tactics and a gameplan, and have them playing as though they have a clue and know what they are doing. A manager who can bring and demands a whole scouting network, a manager with a good record in the transfer market, as opposed to some lower league retard who uses pre season friendlies to scout players and is unable to attract or sign the players he wants, whilst having backup "plans" of wasters, old timers, and shiite footballers.
  25. tmonkey

    Roeder Out

    Yes, and I often felt like a voice in the wilderness on the subject that Roeder was NOT the man, and that three quarters wanted him (the abuse I got from that comment alone was unbelievable ! Especially as the prats denying it were ones who HAD praised Roeder and said he should get the job) - I was pilloried by many on here including several commenting against Roeder RIGHT NOW. At this moment. Proven right on him doesnt make me feel any better, believe me. There were quite alot of us on here who didnt want him as manager. Frustrating as fuck after all that crap Freddy told us about taking his time, appointing the right man, having to go abroad if he had to get the right man, how it was his last chance. Pissed plenty of us off when it became clear that Glenn was to be our next manager and we were looking to bend all the rules in an effort to make that appointment.
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