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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. lovejoy

    Joey Barton

    for fucks sake get rid of him man, he'll never change.
  2. got 41, missed bradford.
  3. the butt tackle was nowt, it was an expercienced tackle to stop the move as already mentioned, i knew it was coming from the moment he pointed duff (i think) to go witht hte runner whilst he flew in. as Ian W said, its commonplace, and iwas delighted he did it, was equally delighted with what nolan did for his yellow (again i think) as it was a similar situation and done to break up the move. remeber ole (rear) gunner (i think) on rob lee (i think, fuck me i dont know much!) a years ago against manure?
  4. would be brilliant p.r for the sake of £64k like.
  5. lovejoy

    11th May

    blackie milburn salutes jackie milburns birthday. well done son.
  6. lovejoy

    Well Done

    lets just point out, we won tonight but we're not safe. lets keep the focus, both players, manager and fans.
  7. never thought i would say this but yes, i would be disappointed. he just isnt doing it, and with his wages, and fitness record, is a liability. plus, he's no captain.
  8. lovejoy

    Well Done

    hats off mate. well done for that.
  9. yep, top finish. deserves a contract imo, offers us great pace and scores the odd goal too.
  10. lovejoy

    Mark Viduka

    Exactly. When he's fit and bothered, he's a class act. You can't pay £3.5m p/y for 5 performances though. agree totally. could shearers new regime possibly keep him fit though? would love to think so.
  11. Plus we'd have gone above the mackems. would we have got an extra point or two like?
  12. reporter 'does this make you feel you want to stay on' shearer 'silly question, cant belive you ve asked me it, let me enjoy this first' reporter 'your not rulin git out though' shearer 'im not ruling it in either' reporter 'its a possibility though' shearer 'you say' was the speed of his answers that made me laugh, clever as fuck.
  13. his post match interview was mint as well! made me chuckle.
  14. got it massively roght tonight, and showed balls and single mindedness to bring owen off. hats off alan.
  15. If Hull lose, they have to overcome at least a 9 goal, GD advantage against Manure. aye, thats right. i'll be goign to support bolton on saturday
  16. His best form playing as centre-back was under Keegan though. So it sounds to me another case of him arse licking the management as he has done in the past. I wonder what excuses people will use for him now he's had "individual coaching" when he comes back to being horrific in the centre. They’ll probably just pick one the many excuses put forward to justify Collocini’s pathetic performances. ST is decent player with a good attitude. Based on what exactly? i dont think nayone can argue that he is decent. especially at rb. I can argue it and I will. It's always the same with Taylor fans, they can't actually name me what he's good at when he's playing at centre half. Anyways this topic has been derailed enough. comes down to an undividuals definiton of 'decent' i guess doesnt it. Still not mentioned what he's decent at. HEADERS!
  17. lovejoy

    Mark Viduka

    performances like tonght make me want us to keep him for another year, but he simply doesnt play often enough,
  18. if we win saturday, are we not safe regardless due to the goal difference?
  19. brilliant. solid performance, all worked their nuts off. great substitutions by the manager as well. delighted.
  20. lovejoy

    Players in public

    they wernt together, rooney was with colleen, tevez with his family ( i presume), and jo with his.
  21. i dont htink anyone would argue that theres a difference.
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