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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. positive move, at least we have some clarification.
  2. lovejoy

    RIP sale thread.

    aye, thats the way, protest again. fuck me man.
  3. Bench: Evans Bellamy Caicedo Santa Cruz Benjani Bojinov Stuart Taylor no barry in your 18?
  4. lovejoy

    RIP sale thread.

    as someone has already said, selling a house takes a while, at least 8-10 weeks. two parties have agreed a fee then as well. why should this be any different? its going to take a while, end of.
  5. Anyone know where it is?
  6. lovejoy

    RIP sale thread.

    Cheers mate The papers should be fun tomorrow then at least. it was a joke
  7. lovejoy

    RIP sale thread.

    just had a text, hong kong based group to take over, should be announced tomorrow, shearer to stay on as boss, beckford done deal. not sure how true.
  8. lovejoy

    RIP sale thread.

    Bastard,got the text, and then saw this, gutted
  9. lovejoy

    RIP sale thread.

    that was starburst one. metro fm's chopper.
  10. Why? Threads only get locked when they're duplicates or total s****. Everyone would whinge like f*** if we were locking threads like this. just think the quicker we stop talking about michael owen, the better we will be.
  11. lovejoy

    RIP sale thread.

    Could the article not be a result of his post?
  12. i have to say i disagree, freddy is afar better bet as it stands than ashley. he is far, far from perfect, and made huge mistakes, but i would rather thim then ashley or another unkown. as i keep saying, better the devil you know. The devil you know is still the devil. hence the DEVIL you know.
  13. i have to say i disagree, freddy is afar better bet as it stands than ashley. he is far, far from perfect, and made huge mistakes, but i would rather thim then ashley or another unkown. as i keep saying, better the devil you know.
  14. Yeah he won't f*** Shearer around because he certainly didn't do the same to Sir Bob and Souness. Oh.... That's my point, he won't with shearer, he won't stand for it, and he knows it, bobby was old, souness was hated so he could do what he wanted, he can't, and won't IMO, with shearer
  15. We know what were getting with fred, better the devil you know, he won't fuck shearer around,and what's more, he'll back him. Good news IMO, hope it's done this week so al can get on with rebuilding
  16. I will be delighted personally. Which shows up the Ashley regime for what it is.
  17. i was in liverpool the day he signed him, i went straight to a sports shop and bought a toon top with owen on the back. walking up their main shopping street, one of the fella son the market stalls stopped me and said 'be carefull, he's not what you think'. i laughed at the time, thought it was sour grapes. how right he was.
  18. the keane to mackems thing has been going on for a while as a rumour. cant believe spuds signed him back anyway. good signing for the unwashed though, different class to anything they have.
  19. possibly taylor, but then people would say i was biased. Harper also. But in general, if 90% don't give a fuk and haven't put in the effort its not so wrong to tar the fuking lot imo. bassong, beye, butt. all gave maximum effort imo, butt may be shite, but he always gives his all.
  20. im living in hope. come on nicko, for once, be right!
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