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Posts posted by lovejoy

  1. If Ashley and Mort appoint someone like Mclaren,Hughes or Redknapp they will be as stupid and incompetent as the previous board.

    I just hope that they(Ashley and Mort) have realised that we need someone experienced who has won trophies in his career many many times and not just saved clubs from relegation


    We need this:



    Del Bosque


    Van Gaal(not my favourite but...)

    Scolari(after the summer)

    Hitzfeld(after the summer)


    I don't disagree, though Mourinho would have to be after the summer as well due the Chelsea departure clauses.


    But as it's already been said the new man hopefully will be British, you can cross them all off the list! 


    I've had £100 at 12/1 on Redknapp simply because the links between Redknapp and Ashley's best mate.  This is what I said a couple of months ago:


    Generally speaking, I'd agree with you.  Redknapp has had his house outside Bournemouth since he first managed them and has refused to move even when he was managing West Ham.  But I know that Ashley and Kemsley have owned racehorses and that Kemsley and Redknapp have.  I was told yesterday that a couple were owned jointly by all three.  If that is right (and I've no reason to doubt it) that would put Ashley very close to Redknapp.  He'd never sell the Bournemouth place but whether he would move up to Tyneside is a bit more debateable.


    http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=47106.msg1086582#msg1086582  (page 5)


    Redknapp wouldn't be a bad choice for Newcastle, maybe just a bid short-termist.  I hope he gets it tbh.  He won't get me to Mauritius like Roeder but I could still get a decent break out of it! :lol:



    nobody has said that it will hopefully be british.

  2. dont know if this has been posted, taken from www.nufc.com


    I really do not know anything about this. I have not spoken to anyone from Newcastle.


    “When I saw that Sam had left my immediate thoughts were that Alan Shearer was a certainty to take over.


    “There’s nothing in my being linked with the job.  I had an offer not so long ago to take over at what I consider a massive club but I didn’t go.


    “I am happy down on the South Coast.



  3. He's done a good job at Blackburn. I think out of all the non-foreign, non-Shearer candidates, i'd offer him the most patience. Would still rather have kept Allardyce, by a long stretch.


    he's had time.


    i have no reason to blieve we would give hughes anymore time than we gave sam.


    pointless if true.


    bit of a strange time to decide you want him as well, after a 1-4 mugging!

  4. All I've seen so far is that "SSN understands Shearer hasn't been approached and that we're after a British manager..."


    No quotes from Mort, or Ashley, even though SSN attributed the statement as "Ashley says".


    Then that Scottish bloke asked people to ear-wig on Shearer and Shepherd in Barbados to find out more.


    I think it's safe to say that SSN don't know as much as they'd like, much like the rest of us.


    i agree, how the fuck do they know we are not going foreign?


    (thats me clinging to anything i can)

  5. i dont think its an official statement is it? its just ssn's understanding?


    shocking news anyway tbh, i just hope its wrong.


    i dont want anyone who is british, especially not fucking maclaren!


    hughes is a no go either for me, he is only doing well due to him having TIME, same with moyes.


    cant see redknapp coming all the way up here and leaving his £12m gaff

  6. A talk in, based on the Keegan era from 1999/2000?  Owen's game hasn't changed an ounce since then, has it?  He's not improved at all since.


    Actually, I remember seeing an article that discussed just this thing, the criticism that Owen only ever uses his right foot.  I can't find the article, but it's simply no longer true, statistically.  However, in matches like yesterday, when he looks a bit rusty and even perhaps nervous (first 90 min. after another injury layoff) he does tend to rely on his right.  Not all that remarkable really, as I tend to prefer to do things with MY right hand when I need to really do them well.  It's an ingrained habit, one that he has worked on but not entirely conquered. 


    I do find it problematic to use anything from the Keegan era to judge Owen, even if it's not directly Keegan's opinion.  Everything I've read about Keegan's "reign" as England manager mentions that he (Keegan) slated Owen for absolutely everything he did.  If the lad (he was then just 19/20) was "dodging" anything it may well have been the dressing-down he got after nearly every training session and match -- apparently in front of the entire squad.  I was unimpressed with everything under Keegan (for England) and that makes me suspicious of anything that came out of that period. 


    That said, Owen's left foot was virtually non-existant until about 2001.  But you may want to ask Arsenal about his left footed shots.  And Argentina about his headers.  I don't think he's as exclusively right-footed as he used to be (shock, he improved himself after the age of 20).


    good post

  7. i went to a talk in with beardsley once.


    slated owen as being technically shit when kk had him with england, his left foot came in for particular criticism.


    claimed that in training if they were doing an exercise that was difficulat technically owen would be at the back of the queue trying to dodge it.



    basically said he was all pace and nowt else.

  8. thought he was neat and tidy first half to be honest, none existant in the second.


    sounds a cliche but he needs games, every time he gets anywhere near back he goes down injured again.


    if he strings a few ganmes together and we start to create a few chances in a game he'll still put them away.


    would still like to see us sell him though

  9. Who the f*** is the Chronicle's editor?





    if this bollocks surely they wouldnt let it past?


    makes you wonder...........


    Look at the facts though, the person rings Oliver looking for Morts number and somehow Oliver knows Mort's reaction to the phone call :lol:


    aye, true like.


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