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Everything posted by STM

  1. Merino is unreal man. A player like that could carry us this season.
  2. Aye Murphy is shite like, so far anyway. Atsu would make us much better.
  3. That's Swansea, Palace and Burnley who have all looked no better than us today. I think we can improve as the season goes on too.
  4. Overall it's been a solid away performance from us but we can't afford to concede like we did at Huddersfield. Keep playing as we are, add Atsu in the second half for Murphy to try and nick it. Edit: and Yedlin for Manquillo.
  5. Perform like we did against West Ham and we will be fine. Play like a club in turmoil, which we are, and we won't put up a fight.
  6. By Newcastle fans, what about other clubs? Genuine question.
  7. It's the general public lapping it up that does me and the fact he gets on TV in the first place.
  8. How is that even allowed? Who is he with Souness? Allardyce? Quinn?
  9. Ah so you have money for an FA cup which we won't win but not for giving Rafa in the transfer market. Cunt.
  10. Got to be photoshopped, like.
  11. I feel honoured that i might end up in the brutal posts thread. Even on the end of one.
  12. He will be there- Downie.
  13. He also bought Gamez Game for the same reason. Anybodies guess.
  14. I'd rather play our better fullback out of position. Manquillo was ok against West Ham right back and I'm not sure if trust him left back. Rafa might go with this : Elliot Manquillo/Yedlin Lejuene Lascelles Clark Merino Hayden Richie Perez Atsu Joselu Who is their main right winger? That will have a say on who he chooses.
  15. Apparently he wants paid in sterling, which is outrageous because we like to pay in sports direct vouchers.
  16. Firstly, no player is above a manager like Rafa, so he can send a message. If Shelvey doesn't heed the warning, eventually he will be replaced, as the manager doesn't suffer fools. Secondly, Shelvey isn't a number 10. Perez isn't a particularly good one but it is where Rafa sees him playing, therefore he will probably keep his spot. Merino's performance was excellent, so I'd be shocked if he was dropped. Especially since Rafa rewards performances and drops players for poor performance. He won't play Merino and Shelvey because there aren't enough legs there for Rafa, he wants one in there with a decent engine, which means Hayden. To finish, Rafa wouldn't build his side around one player or be overly reliant on one player. It's all about teamwork.
  17. We are not in a position to "send the right message", we need to win football games. Shelvey is infinitely superior to Perez and should be brought in for him imo. However if Rafa won't play a more flat central 3 and prefers to go with Perez in the hole, even though he doesn't really play that role that well, then he'll drop one of Merino or Hayden, my guess would be Merino. Shelvey will be up for this one too, anxious to repay the team for his stupidity and keen to put one over his old team. He's also the player we were built around in pre-season, I can't imagine all that preperation will be thrown away by Rafa. I disagree with all of that.
  18. Tend to agree with this. However, there's almost certainly a gulf in quality between Yedlin and Manquillo, Lascelles and Lejeune. It's hard not to improve the staring 11 where possible. I tricky but nice problem for Rafa.
  19. STM

    Alan Shearer

    Jose is fewmin. Ha.
  20. STM


    Alli should get retrospective for that. Do they do that for internationals?
  21. STM


    Probably the only England player who I like, Rashford. Pure finisher too.
  22. STM


    They are all greedy little cunts.
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