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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. It's a case of timing. From a referee perspective you don't want to get your cards out too early (unless you absolutely have to) because then you have nowhere else to go. Once you have gone to the cards, you don't really have the no option to manage the game by talking to the players. So referees want to talk first and then move up to cards if that fails. At the time in the game of the "Foot to chest" there had not really been much for the referee to deal with. So he elected to keep his cards in his pocket and talk to the player. He would keep the cards for any escalation in incidents. Unfortunately, Tiote saw red with being held back, and then saw Red for the late tackle on Fletcher. Definately a card - just a decision of which color. And I think that reputation tilted the decision to Red. At this point the next violent tackle really will come under scrutiny, however there was nothing else really close to either the Larson or Tiote challenges. And so the remaining cards all went for niggling fouls and dissent as the referee wants to keep a lid on emotions/actions. (I thought he missed a foul and a card for the challenge in the back of Ba by Cuellar but seeing as he saw no foul, there was no card). It's a shame that these events in the game unfolded where they did - a change in order would have had very different reaction from the referee.
  2. Exiled in Texas


    FYP - Thit ! I mithed it.
  3. Exiled in Texas


    Or "9-1 .... then we won the league" "9-1... a hundred years ago"
  4. I still think it was a harsh decision, and the referee didn't have that clear a view of the actual contact...but I think he was thinking that Tiote should have eased up, he didn't, and then he sees Fletcher crumple like the had been hit by a truck.
  5. The problem was that this was committed after the whistle had gone. I think that during play it's a yellow but because he whistle had already gone it went red If that's true it's f***ing gay. Just because he followed through a milisecond after the whistle blew, it's a red as opposed to a yellow? Doesn't ring true with me, tbh. Was just a classic example of a s*** referee being swayed by circumstance. In the replay you can see the whistle blown while Tiote is being pulled back...then he loses the ball and lunges. He didn't ease up after the whistle.
  6. The problem was that this was committed after the whistle had gone. I think that during play it's a yellow but because he whistle had already gone it went red
  7. Very lucky for SAFC that this happened before Tiote's challenge. When this happened the game was fairly calm but I think this would have Been a definite Yellow and maybe Red had it come after Tiote. Sunderland did a great job of committing niggling minor fouls that go unpunished, which drew Newcastle into committing fouls that got punished. McClean did a fantastic job of getting inside Ben Arfa's space and slowing him down without getting caught for any fouls.
  8. It's called "outside Interference or outside agent". And it would be a Drop Ball due to law 8 - If, while the ball is still in play, the referee is required to stop play temporarily for any reason not mentioned elsewhere in the Laws of the Game, the match is restarted with a dropped ball.
  9. Wow. How did he get from the Radisson in Durham to Spain so quickly? Surely he was about to sign for Artie. Or was the man at the reception desk telling porkies?
  10. But Saylor didn't get down on his hands/knees just so that he could head the ball to Krul. He was down on his knees because he slipped stopping the ball.......then he headed the ball the Krul. No deception or trick play there. The rule says that the keeper cannot handle a ball that was deliberately played to them by a team mate. So it's about intent, and the referee has to determine the intent of how the ball was played to the keeper. Was the player under pressure? Did he need help from the keeper because of pressure on the ball? Did the player have an alternative play to make but chose to pass to the keeper? You have to answer YES to those type of questions for it to be considered a "back pass"
  11. Let's be honest here. Where we live/lived in London probably doesn't compare to where Douglas might live. He will be living in one of the nicer parts of London
  12. Pretty much my read on the game too. Spurs closed us down very quickly in the first half forcing us to give away possession very quickly and cheaply. And yet we gave Spurs all the time in the world when they were on the ball. Our midfield was flat footed and static all through the first half...both when we had the ball (no supporting movement to open up for a pass) and when they had the ball no pressure on their ball carrier or closing down the passing lanes. We looked as static as we did during the Nicky Butt years. Thank **** that they changed up the format as we were getting overrun in the first half. Second half was much better.
  13. Exiled in Texas


    http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Football/Pix/pictures/2008/09/18/louisetaylor.jpg Of course.....was missing the eloquence of Sir Ricky.
  14. Exiled in Texas


    A knight of the realm and the bard of mackemdom....by any chance??
  15. At least try and live up to your potential. That's where Ranger fails. He doesn't seem to try and doesn't seem to care. Plenty of kids tried but didn't make it (see any of the recent youth releases) but Ranger doesn't seem to even try.
  16. Unfortunately, the FA doesn't have the stomach to go through the corrective process.... they would crumple before the likes of Citeh, Chelsea or Man U complaining about losing 2-3 first teamers for upcoming matches. Just mic the referees.....then everyone would know what the referee heard and it would be easy to justify their actions. Until then...no one will have the balls to enforce it.
  17. The screen is actually up very high and it's not really visble from the field (while playing) ...the Kick-Off /Punters have been trying to hit the screen but it's been raised up out of range. Wait till you have goal line technology controversial incidents being replayed up on the screen
  18. I watched the pre-season exhibition game between Chelsea and Club Americas (sitting behind the goal in the upper end zone with the smaller end screens in front of me. I kept forgetting to watch the actual players on the field because the game on the screen was easier to see.
  19. Just hang some screens over the field like they do at Cowboy Stadium in Dallas for the Cowboys. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQGcwnrg_BycFYEUB3Zydpx3JUPRLfEn9yEEQDGloPx7L1salqSlQ http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT-Z8BhDR7k4lLnm_UHajiNcz7t0fRfdjwxRNvvpVmefoKOmTqD
  20. I see this bid as nothing more than a cheeky punt by Mike/Dekkers....an opportunistic bid to see if they can get a bargain. I don't see them getting into a bidding war as I don't think they are that bothered if they sign him or not. They will simply walk away and go back to their real targets.
  21. This is how I see it...the question is going to be will Liverpool rebound, and will Spurs/Arsenal be as good as last time. So I think that anything between 5-7 would be fine.
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