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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. Except when you're a defender and their shot hits the woodwork
  2. Exiled in Texas


    They took their full allocation, but just left early.
  3. Exiled in Texas


    No prize, just a meal for two with Wireside Real food.....or liquidised food through a straw?
  4. Exiled in Texas


    I'm going to start that "Look at me, Look at me....Pathetic" gag in Texas
  5. Impressive article. Very interesting
  6. Was AR for a high school boys play off game this week and they were showing the game live on the big screen TV at the stadium using cameras up in the stands and along the touchlines . It certainly increases the pressure on you as a referee to know that your decisions will be immediately replayed on screen for all to see.
  7. Perfect time for a fund raiser.....I had my PayPal account open looking for where to donate. Haha.. Nice one Dave
  8. Exiled in Texas


    Everton scored one, Sunderland scored one. problem?
  9. Exiled in Texas


    Note : Pick Up locations moved to Stanley Park, Liver Building and Pier Head
  10. I predict that come kick-off in 12 games time, Liverpool will above Newcastle in the table and will be tied with Man U / Man City for points
  11. But LOTG says you cannot score a goal against yourself from a goal kick. So it's not a goal.
  12. Pretty mean of Stevie G to be laughing at his teammate dammit too slow
  13. Warren Barton got a chuckle out of that one. :-D
  14. I hear that KVNB stated that the red card was totally correct, but that they will not enforce any additional suspensions on the keeper.
  15. Aye its violent conduct even if its a spectator, official, player, manager, coach, physio etc Correct. The referee would have failed his duties if he had not sent him off. Incidentally, the spectator is outside the juristiction of the referee. Only the police or FA can sanction the spectator
  16. But, what about Sunderland?!? Just was too late for the gig as MoN had already wrapped it up. And extra day or two and Rafa would have been in there :-D
  17. That's already defined as interfering with an opponent.
  18. FIFA have already defined "actively involved in play" It means "playing or touching the ball when passed or touched by a teammate" So saying that Aguero running after the ball is actively involved in play is incorrect. In this instance, the AR got it absolutely right.
  19. Re Brian Clough One of the high school locker rooms where I referee has a sign above the door that says "everything that happens on the field is either coached or allowed to happen" Which sounds like something Mr Clough believed in.....If only more coaches/teams had the same philosophy
  20. Haha ....now that's one heck of a freudian typo
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