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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. Ironic that on a day that we remember and honor the struggles and sacrifices of Nelson Mandela, a man who truly understood and believed in what was right and worth fighting for that we get this. Pathetic glory hunter.
  2. Should have been given. Can only imagine that the referee didn't see it hit the arm and thought it hid his head. Missed call though.
  3. Yep, Cisse was about to come in, then Debuchy was coming off and the MYB is on.
  4. Took possession well, held the ball and dared Man Utd to tackle him and either let him turn and run or bring him down. Slowed the game down just when we needed it, and kept possession well to put Man Utd onto the back foot when they wanted to press forward
  5. Just love the way that Anita plays. Always moving into space to get open to receive the ball, and usually with a one-touch pass to beat his marker and open up the next guy. Young players should really study his off the ball movement and compare it to crap players (like Larson down the road) who just give the ball and then stand still of no use to the man on the ball.
  6. Don't think anyone said that, did they? The Swansea lads had their arms in the air "making themselves big" to stop the ball (which is crazy imo, but they got the W), little Vurn was touching the post for position and it ricocheted into him. Given Marriner's history I'm surprised it wasn't two pens and two reds, like Apparently, Yes. I'm just messing with the we-lost-ref-had-Shitter / we-won-ref-had-a-good-game theme. Perhaps now is a good time to trot out the evens-out-over-the-season line
  7. So all those who wanted automatic penalties for handballs in the box still of that opinion? Blatant handball by Anita holding his arm behind his body while he tried to chest the ball clear and ball bounces back onto his arm. Blatant penna. Ref had a complete shitter today. Ruined a good game and changed the title race. Really time for replay to get these decision right and stop ruining football!!! [/sarcasm]
  8. Not picking on Benwell Lad, but Referees always look better when they are not refereeing your team. Objectivity goes out the window when your team is involved.
  9. Agreed. Really liked his call of the game. Even Lee Dixon was complementary of Newcastle too.
  10. The LOTG are very simple..... Deliberately handling the ball is a foul but that means that the referee has to determine intent. So the Advice to Referees documents at published to cover these types of scenarios, and they do talk about the arms being in unnatural positions or defenders extending their arms to make themselves bigger. In this instance the issue was whether the defender was protecting himself or not (With a smattering of close proximity not providing a chance to avoid the ball). I would want to call this deliberate handling in my games as the player chose to block the ball in such a way that he had to protect himself from the ball.....ergo deliberate handling.
  11. Incompetence would be not having the right mechanics or not having the right restarts. Arguing about judgement calls is pointless. (I actually thought that the Remy incident was a foul, and the late handling was a penalty) but I understand why the referee thought otherwise
  12. Exiled in Texas

    Loïc Remy

    To me, the replays showed that he got the smallest of taps on one foot that then tripped him over his other foot. I just cannot see a striker giving up such a clear chance and taking the free kick with a wall etc. doesn't make any sense
  13. And yes, referees do go home and wonder how to manage games better next time. They wonder if they got the calls right and regret the ones that they got wrong (in hind sight or on slow-mo ten angle replay).
  14. I would expect this too.....followed in a year or so, a few 'test' games played at home in the away strip.
  15. What a cock Nah, ..... Love Sir Ricky A total Piss Take
  16. Wonder which team gave Palace their only league win this season?
  17. I was watching at work (so no sound). I bet the CR over ruled the AR on this one.
  18. The ball is "technically" in play as soon as it is kicked and moves. Alas, in this example, the intended deception of the defending team also included the AR who also didn't register that the player had intentionally played the ball, and ruled that the there was second touch by the dribbling player. A team tried this during a game I was refereeing, and I allowed it (didn't result in anything). But I did give a IFK to the opposition at the next free kick to the "clever" team as the kicker repositioned the ball with their foot and I called it a double touch. They never tried that again. I also guarantee that had the defending team in the video, swooped in and taken the ball up-field after the first slight kick, that the team taking the clever corner would have protested. Can't have it both ways.
  19. Generally, the players will reflect the coaches demeanor, and so will the parents (although to a lesser extent as there is less direct control over them). But if the players could play withou coaches or parents it would be great.
  20. What am I missing? Why is Ashley Cole an oven/stove/cooker?
  21. Aye, tis why i said it in that comment. If you missed it like I saw it. (just gave it it's proper name ) I liked how you handled the parents with the double touch on the penalty.....look it up and get back to me. At which point the answer was ..... you were right......, but now you are a c*** who was right. Hahahahahahh that's the life of a referee.
  22. Players have no obligation to go to a referee - for whatever reason the ref deems it desirable. However, one would think a player would be walking on thin ice for future decisions, if he had walked away from a ref previously. What? Don't the players have to do what the referee says? Yep, players don't actually have to go to the ref, the rules are bit vague around this. A player just has to acknowledge he's recieved whatever punishment the ref has given out, ignoring the ref can be a bookable offence though. Just put into the rules properly like it is in Rugby. Then that's solves it. Correct, but failing to acknowledge could also be Dissent (and a second yellow) if the player really wants to push the issue. That's really all the options the referee has. Of course they can hold a grudge through the rest of the game and give the player not protection and no leeway, but that would have the effect of boiling up the game and escalating fouls. Second yellow is the only option if they are being a total scote.
  23. Didn't the 8 year contract come about during our 5th place season when England was looking for a new manager? Ashley gives Pardew an 8 year contract in case he gets poached by the FA who look to buy him out of his current deal. Meanwhile there is a clause in the contract that stipulates that NUFC only have to pay Pardew for one year if he is fired. That's how I understood the deal when it was first announced
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