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Everything posted by NE6

  1. I would rather Shaft go and him stay if I'm truthful
  2. The last thing i seen to come out of an emu's arse was Rod Hull
  3. What about everyone donates an unwanted item of theirs that can then be sold on e-bay, must be worth at least £2. Post everything to HTT, he then has to wrap and take them to the PO
  4. Thought BS and him didn't get on, or did i dream that
  5. You should do stand up
  6. Taking the piss weren't they Spy Derman 'spiderman' Hadn't seen your post TT
  7. Offer them owen and 10 mil i reckon, get shearer his hero to close the deal
  8. The little welsh pric is shitting himself because he knows this is the start of him slowly slipping down the league to mid table teams so his come and get me plea to us is his last resort to play in front of 50000 fans every week. Can't believe he's that shallow that he thinks because FS and AS have gone he might be in with a shout. Have a nice time at Villa or W.Ham spunk breath
  9. Hope he's been the cash behind it tbh
  10. Fucking joker you lad, comparing him to Rickets FFS
  11. Rings of a club with principal if you ask me. At the end of the day their his employers and he's obviously entitled to it. Rings of a club thats bitter that their losing their best player for whatever reason and they'll do their best to milk his sale for all it's worth How is he entitled to it? Thing is I agree with you there....but is it really him? or is it that Willie cunt playing dirty games? That concerns me more than anything with the Barton deal. Fantastic player, and City are unlucky he come out with his immature disrespectful bouts whilst on your books...but you always wonder how much influence an agent can have on any player Have to wonder about that. Certainly wouldn't put it past him being behind that - Back when Barton signed this contract McKay wanted a massive bonus for himself (100k or so), the club told him to swivel on that too. Unfortunately even with Barton going he still has his paws in MCFC (Ireland). Your posts ring of a bitter blue tbh If the club agreed to pay him this then they should pay it simple, not sure if they did though, you seem to be ITK
  12. Rings of a club with principal if you ask me. At the end of the day their his employers and he's obviously entitled to it. Rings of a club thats bitter that their losing their best player for whatever reason and they'll do their best to milk his sale for all it's worth
  13. I was on the understanding it was a brand new training facility specifically built for the job not a converted squash club
  14. Rings of a club that is in financial difficulty if you ask me, I mean how much is it?
  15. NE6

    Kieron Dyer....

    I wouldn't disagree with what you say tbh but overall I think Butt had a much bigger impact over the entire season than Dyer. I also have big reservations about him being able to maintain his good form, it's for that reason I said previously I wouldn't want to see him in a Spurs shirt. I would love to see him in a spurs shirt, he's a little wanker. Saying that the nightlife down London would be all to much for him so you wouldn't see him often tbh
  16. NE6

    Club Captain

    Barton, he'll open his mouth, the rest won't. I reckon he's already been promised it and it played a massive part in his decision to sign, BS will build the team around him and I have no doubt Barton will thrive on the responsibility and become a player of Gerrard type leadership. For me a lot of his past problem stem from frustration of playing in a shit team going nowhere with shit players and not being given the stage he truly wants to perform on....he's got that now. For me Barton to be one of the best players in the PL this season.
  17. That place will suit that little shit down to the ground, one little shit surrounded by lots of repulsive big steaming shits i.e. stadium of shite
  18. If he is going for a lie down i just hope he does it before the season kicks off if we sign him
  19. NE6

    Keane Issues Ultimatum

    They can only sign so many x man utd players then their fucked and as we all know Man utd don't let decent players go very often and the ones they do are out of Sunderlands price range
  20. NE6

    Oba AWOL again

    I've seen enough of Martins this season to tell you he's not a £10million player. His attitude shown in the last ten games was a disgrace, culminating in his no show at Watford. We'd have been passing the mackems on the way up if it wasn't for him so i think he deserves a chance, hasn't exactly been surrounded by class this season has he, and I'm not just on about him being up front on his jack jones
  21. NE6

    Oba AWOL again

    Some of the posts in this thread are unreal. It's blatantly obvious that some of you are Olivers sheep, basically know fuck all and live on a diet of back page shit from the chronicle. Other than the Watford game what has Martins done thats been out of order, because all this about him being a waste of space is news to me.
  22. NE6

    Jimmy Hill's Sunday....

    Jimmy Hill needs to take his face for a big hot steaming shit, thats why I never watch it, can't stand the bloke
  23. Lets face it being locked in a dressing room with roeder for an hour would be enough punishment for anyone. I bet none of them slept on the plane on the way home.
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