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Everything posted by Lagerstedt

  1. Any idea about formation? It looks like 4-4-2... I mean position wise... Four centre backs, West Ham will never get through the middle, it's idiot proof.. Oh wait
  2. That's absolutely brilliant! ;D
  3. At Nufc.com it says his current contract runs out in the summer of '11 and they're usually pretty accurate so I guess he didn't sign a contract extension without a release clause, bugger.
  4. Two fucking days and this is all the manage to fabricate. Shocking lack of fantasy really. Really want some new owners and some new, well thought through lies
  5. Spitting in Rudi Voller's ear? That ear must be filled to the brim with saliva
  6. You'd be surprised of all the idiots walking around on our streets..
  7. I'm totally convinced its this guy. Jiminez got Ramos to leave Sevilla for Spurs and will have little problems coaxing a guy from the Spanish second division to a Premier League team. Half our team are now Spanish speaking and he'll have support from the unholy trinity- something i think KK never had. Just this summer didn't he say that he wouldn't leave Spain until his son finishes school A lot of people say things. I don't think it'd be that hard to get him here if we offered him a big contract and the chance to coach a team with the potential we have. In my opinion he's the outstanding candidate for the job when you consider no British manager will take the job and the very top tier of foreign managers wouldn't come here. He seems to be a good manager, no doubt about that at all. But what I find the most interesting is that no-one has edited his wiki yet. I fully expect it to say "Current manager of Newcastle United" by midnight. No-one changed Dennis Wise wiki either. Are all the kids who does this kind of things outside SJP shouting the arses of and making a complete fool out of us supporters?
  8. What a load of shite. Well it did only take them a few hours to put together. The other day they had basically all day to come up with something good
  9. Kevin Keegan - Official NUFC Club Statement Newcastle United Football Club is sad and disappointed that Kevin Keegan has resigned. Over the last few days the Club has devoted itself to the discussions it has held with Kevin and as a result of those discussions had put together a set of practical suggestions for how to move forward. Today the Club made it clear to Kevin that if he had any outstanding concerns on its proposals, he should raise them with the Club. The Club regrets that Kevin has, instead of taking up that offer, chosen to resign.
  10. So what did you write then? And whereabouts do you live? I wrote "Is there a future? Feels like..........To be honest it cannot be described it with words. No work tomorrow " Im from Borås, where are you from? How on earth do you manage to get Setanta then? I take it you're currently living in the UK? I'm from Ängelholm by the way. And to get back on the topic, words can not express how I feel at the moment. I can't help feeling a bit betrayed. We were given this great man by Ashley to give us success and the football we all like to see. And for what? Just for it to be taken away barely eight months later.
  11. So what did you write then? And whereabouts do you live?
  12. How about we start a petition and then send it to this guy? Edit: From Ambanis wiki: "As of 8th September Anil had paid a reported £225m for English Premiership club Newcastle United from pot bellied charva clothes selling wideboy Mike Ashley"
  13. Vinnie Jones or someone who knows how to fight Wise and the rest. Literally fight
  14. Well he costs more than any other player in the league so why not being on the highest salary?
  15. Kev just want to feel the love from the fans and know that we're sticking by him and not the board
  16. That last line in the statement, about the club NOT sacking him just leaves me a bit worried that he's about to walk. God forbid but in this day and age I really hope I'm just a bit too cynical and that he'll remain being the manager for a long long time. We all love King Kev
  17. So happy right now I feel like crying a bit.. Really, really hope this is the end of this but I'm not too sure. I'm desperate to know what happened behind the scenes both today and yesterday
  18. I wonder if Ashley will be in his directors seat and not in the stands against Hull if this is true..
  19. I think there is actually something in that if they havent.. had plenty of time Shall I go and knock see if he's in ? Please do, or at least give him a ring. Surely he's listed in the white pages.
  20. How long did it take for the club to confirm the sacking of Allardyce? We all know that the club in the new Ashley era isn't the fastest on issuing statements, at least when there's a new player to be unveiled, so is this absence of an offical statement perhaps a good thing? That's what I hope
  21. What does Freddie have to say about it all? Maybe he's trying to buy back the club at a cut price?
  22. Perhaps not the perfect time for celebrations..
  23. five minutes after we all go insane. Did I miss something two hours ago then?
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