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Everything posted by Memphis

  1. Born and raised in the US, you can probably guess where from my screen name, one of the few that loved soccer but was energized by the 94 World Cup here. Began to drink at that age and loved this particular brown ale from England. Was delighted to learn that there was a team that wore a shirt that had the brown ale I loved to drink on it! This was the infancy of the internet so I started learning about Newcastle United by reading and following results, and watching whatever limited video I could find. They started showing more Premier League on satellite here in the mid 90's and obviously we were very easy on the eyes at that time. Combine all those things and I was completely hooked. Early Champ Man helped me to learn about the league, the other teams, too. Had an English friend through college who brought me shirts. And I signed up here almost 20 years ago. I've also attached a picture of the groom's cake at my wedding in 2008, my wife made the badge herself. Proud to be a supporter.
  2. It's a bit difficult to discuss because Chris Wood is all of the following: helpful last season to our scrap against relegation not especially helpful to us this year on the pitch massively overvalued at 25m seemingly a nice guy and a hard worker nowhere near good enough to play routinely for us well-liked by his teammates and part of a successful group expendable Wood had a role to play, he played it. He didn't control his own transfer fee, I don't blame him for that. But his role has changed and, well, disappeared, if all goes to plan. We should move him along with our best wishes and continue onwards.
  3. Can we please ban any mention of Scott fucking McTominay in this thread? If by some misfortune he signs, let's open a thread for him. I don't want the beautiful possibilities of transfers from around the world tainted by having to even for a moment consider that Scott fucking McTominay might be on this wonderful team.
  4. Heard we booked a hotel room for a week for a mystery ankle
  5. We have come so far mentally as a team. So far. The spirit of the group is obvious and it's the main reason we won that match.
  6. Neves would be just about the perfect January signing. Ideal fit, super talent, already acclimated to the league, don't give a shit what he said about us earlier, he would be amazing.
  7. Btw Vitor Roque...he loves Bruno as much as we do.
  8. It is a little tricky, I'd agree. Obviously we need to continually improve the talent at our disposal, not only with the awful reserves but also in the starting XI. Big teams and big clubs constantly push for improvement from within and without. We're a big club and we will start behaving like one, if we haven't already. We need more and better players, without question. That said, we are indeed ahead of schedule because of our squad unity and cohesiveness. Eddie Howe has put together a team that's mentally strong and is filled with desire and determination. That process has taken time, it's organic. Introducing a new player or two into the mix could upset all of that in the short-term, putting us in a position where we have more talent but the results suffer because the communication and cohesion have dipped. I'd argue that a player like Milinkovic-Savic would make more sense in our position right now. We need someone who's mature and mentally ready to come in and fight. We can sort out transfers for younger players as well, but if we're looking to improve our chances to make a Top 4 place our own THIS year, we need an older, calmer player to slot straight in. We've heard that Howe is pushing for players with PL experience and I think that's why. Tielemans/Maddison make sense for this reason, too. In the summer, all bets are off, but for now, I think it is an interesting dilemma. I'm glad we're facing it, mind.
  9. I think it's a distinction without a difference. Our reputation cannot grow without access to that money. It just so happens we seem to have people in place who have spent it wisely, which helps. With that will come some sagas where we're being used to elevate prices/contracts, etc, but by and large, we are consistently linked with and have signed increasingly higher calibre players with each passing window.
  10. I'm going to need to see Moukoko in a black and white top before I believe he's coming. Would be mind-blowing. That type of signing would send an enormous message of intent throughout the footballing world. I don't think we're there yet. Love to see us continue to be lumped in with the elite clubs, though. Our reputation is growing.
  11. It's nice to know there are some things in life you can always count on, no matter how much else changes.
  12. I think Howe's gotten this one wrong. I can understand the reasoning but he's put too much faith in bad players. Didn't have the right mental approach.
  13. Particularly disappointed with Elliot Anderson. Expected more. He's not ready yet. Ideally he'd go somewhere on loan.
  14. It's clearly something of a myth that we've got adequate depth. We have 6 or 7 excellent players and they're consistently dragging the other players up to a higher level. Without them in the side, the mediocrity is plain to see. More quality is needed desperately.
  15. Teams that want to be great have to keep improving in every way they can. We do have players who can do a job if needed, but we want more than that. At least it appears we do. So it's imperative that we continue signing quality players at every position to improve the standard. And given that we seem to be focusing on signing high character players who have the right attitude, none of them should be offended or upset if they have to compete for their position. This is what it is to be a big club.
  16. Always hate the match at Arsenal. Highbury or the Emirates. Apart from a few notable exceptions, we never seem to do anything other than lose, and often in brutal fashion. Not tonight. What a ballsy performance. Incredible mentality on this group. Many others have said it and I agree - we've never had a better defensive group, and it's come from a manager who was thought of as a huge defensive liability when hired. What a turnaround.
  17. It wasn't a coincidence that Casemiro was able to be more influential going forward when Bruno came on. Did a lot to keep things ticking over and allow him to be more aggressive.
  18. Memphis

    Garang Kuol

    Hey, at least for work permit purposes he doesn't have to play *well*
  19. Memphis

    Miguel Almirón

    If I had told you a year ago that Wor Miggy would feature in a ESPN graphic like this about the best XI to miss the World Cup, what would you have said?
  20. The amazing thing with Botman is that he makes the game look so simple. He reads plays so far ahead that he positions himself perfectly more often than not and makes difficult plays look like simple interventions. On top of that he's got an excellent range of passing and, a couple of games aside, has been excellent in starting moves from the back. The very definition of a cultured CB. He's a player you build around.
  21. Howe: Hats off to an explosive start Bruce: Pants off after an explosive shart
  22. Howe: Preparation for the team Bruce: Preparation H bum cream
  23. Howe: Unbelievable concentration levels Bruce: Unbelievable constipation levels
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