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Everything posted by Memphis

  1. Compare this effort to that of the other teams around us and we are well and truly fucked.
  2. It's true - Mitro's presence gives us such a better platform and puts us in better positions. But his presence also means we have the world's least composed finisher there to try to finish those chances. Real Pyrrhic tactics here.
  3. Shola scores there Lua Lua scores there Leon Best scores there Sibierski scores there
  4. I miss anonymous midfielders rather than just outright terrible ones.
  5. I guess we've gone back to training without a ball. We seem clueless what to do on the very unusual occasion we touch it.
  6. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/NuoarTq5TSE/0.jpg
  7. Probably have more time to train if we weren't taking so many weird pictures of him
  8. http://s21.postimg.org/oqqhhsetj/0_10278_14307627_00.jpg
  9. Memphis

    Jose Enrique

    What's David Edgar up to these days?
  10. Memphis

    Jose Enrique

    This decision puts the Que? in Enrique
  11. Not dressed like a complete idiot, so already ahead of the game compared with most of our signings.
  12. This pretty well says it for me. Never really rated him. Most Spurs fans don't seem to, either. I do think his attitude with regard to training/playing with the U21s was very professional, a rare thing from a young player these days.
  13. I heard that McClaren called it a tremendous performance by our lot.
  14. Memphis

    Steve McClaren

    According to him, we've been playing tremendously and we're going down. We'll be tremendous with McClaren in charge next year and probably be fortunate to finish top half. Don't assume I mean that literally - I'm making a point about his ludicrous rhetoric given what we've actually seen.
  15. I don't really understand what we're playing at with Lacazette. That said, if Edwards is reporting there's more encouraging noises, I'm inclined to believe it. He's been reliable and generally has something of a realistic attitude towards the usual transfer bullshit we like to foist onto journalists.
  16. Memphis

    Steve McClaren

    We're certainly right in line to be the most tremendous team in the Championship.
  17. Formation was a mistake even taking injuries into account. Shelvey was much more like the player Swansea fans grew to hate. Needed Perez from the start. Looked every bit as useless in the middle of the pitch as we have with Colback/Anita. Worrying result.
  18. Happily donated. (can I get my old name back please?)
  19. Stat on the NBC broadcast says it's been since Boxing Day 2014 since we were awarded a penalty...
  20. http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/16732196/3/stock-photo-16732196-watching-grass-grow.jpg
  21. Memphis

    Hugo Viana

    For some reason, he's perpetually that young up-and-comer to me. The fact that he's 33 and has children aged 10 and 5 makes me feel ancient.
  22. Memphis

    Steve McClaren

    Not the biggest problem we have, but certainly a big one. Players don't even pretend to give a shit under his tutelage. What the fuck has golden boy Ian Cathro been up to? Or motivational genius Steve Black?
  23. Away from home in the Premier League: 2012-13: w3 d4 l12 (scored: 21 conceded: 37) 2013-14: w7 d1 l11 (scored: 20 conceded: 31) 2014-15: w2 d7 l10 (scored: 14 conceded: 36) 2015-16: w0 d1 l2 (scored: 0 conceded: 4) TOTAL: p60 w12 d13 l35 (scored: 55 conceded: 108) 49 points out of a possible 180 away from home in our last 3+ seasons. We aren't good.
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