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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Carroll man, stay on your feet and put the ball in the back of the net you dimwit..
  2. How that was not a pen I will never know. He practically held it in his hands..
  3. Mr C. Ronaldo? Bigger accomplishment what he's done in the last couple of seasons in the EPL (undisputedly a much higher quality league) I'd say. Larsson at Celtic? NB - Messi is awesome but lets not go overboard? I'd have to disagree, the spanish league is not far off the premiership at all. Some would argue it's better, not me though. And for me Messi is special in a way that Ronaldo isn't. Fair enough Ronaldo produces more, is more consistant, has the better physique etc but Messi does things that only the special ones can and he has whatever it was that Maradona had. Not sure what you would call it but Ronaldo doesn't have that. Larsson was fantastic but he's in the next tier of great players for me. I was simply drawing what I thought was a fairly obvious parallel of players seeming better when playing against lower quality opposition and often with lower quality team mates - I wasn't meaning in any way that Larsson is in the league of greats, far from it. If a team is set up to work off one man then that man will be a legend - Shearer at Blackburn, Le Tiss at Southhampton, Sheva at Milan. All played beyond themselves and when put in a regular formation without the whole team geared up for them alone they were no where near as good as they were before. Don't get me wrong, I loathe United, but for me, Christiano is miles ahead, he's pretty much a perfect footballer. What makes you think the Premiership is superior to La Liga in terms of quality of the opposition?
  4. It's not only about not selling players, we were supposed to strengthen the squad remember..? Who says we won't? JFK and Chris Hughton both seem to be implying we shouldn't expect too much..
  5. It's not only about not selling players, we were supposed to strengthen the squad remember..?
  6. Well, that optimism created by Mike's statement about being committed to moving the club forward didn't last long.
  7. This "any owner is better than Shepherd" doesn't seem to hold so well either..
  8. If that's what the manager wants then that's what the club should do. It is in line with the "summer transfer" policy though AKA whole squad up for sale/being forced out. Not really as Kinnear will be selling players to bring in players that he wants and if he wants to sell Jonas and Colo to sign Ferguson and Diop then good for him. As long as the club are letting the manager have the final say then it's a good thing. Baggio, would it be acceptable for you if Kinnear had to sell in order to buy this transfer window, i.e. if no significant net investment was made into the playing squad for the fourth transfer window running? Would this constitute moving the club forward, as Mike promised? I'd rather Kinnear wasn't involved with buying or selling any of our players. As for spending money in this transfer window, I'm not sure how much the club is making these days but if I was Ashley I wouldn't put any of my own money into the club while the fans don't even want me at games. Agreed on the Kinnear part. Surprised about the second bit; did Mike Ashley not say he was going to take us forward when he took us off the market? Here's hoping Mike is not as stubborn as you and is capable of learning from his mistakes. It's not only in our best interest, it's in his own too.
  9. If that's what the manager wants then that's what the club should do. It is in line with the "summer transfer" policy though AKA whole squad up for sale/being forced out. Not really as Kinnear will be selling players to bring in players that he wants and if he wants to sell Jonas and Colo to sign Ferguson and Diop then good for him. As long as the club are letting the manager have the final say then it's a good thing. Baggio, would it be acceptable for you if Kinnear had to sell in order to buy this transfer window, i.e. if no significant net investment was made into the playing squad for the fourth transfer window running? Would this constitute moving the club forward, as Mike promised?
  10. While that statement has some merit, it doesn't warrant us shelling out another silly contract for him anymore or building a team around him in the idle hope he will be staying. He is no longer the player he once was and we can't carry a player like him. We need to move on, as well as him. this, every time Sunderland & Fulham away must have been figments of my imagination then because he was awful in both of those games when Owen was out. 2 games is all you can come up with? Those were the ones that come to mind, yes. he was s**** agreed. But he's also excelled alongside Shola f***ing Ameobi. Whereas Owen just doesn't seem to influence the game whatsoever without Oba That's because Oba sets a lot of his goals up and that's all Owen can really do now up top in a 4-4-2 is be in the right place (which he's obviously one of the best at). I'd be genuinely interested to know how many goals Owen has set up while he's been at NUFC. If it's more than 2-3, I'd be very surprised. Also one of the reasons why Man U wouldn't consider Owen in a month of Sundays. Rooney, Tevez, Ronaldo and Berbatov even if they don't score goals provide so much pace and movement they create so many more. That's all very well if you're a team who have other players like that. Put it another way, if Owen signed for someone like Blackburn, Stoke, WBA, Hull, etc. they'd score a helluva lot more goals and have more clear-cut chances with his movement than what we'd have with our other current strikers. Based on what?
  11. Oh right, you don't think we'll miss his goals? Not if we replace him with someone equal or better. Which isn't going to happen... It woudn't be nearly as difficult as you seem to believe.. What player would you suggest then? It's not my job to keep track of all the up and coming players in the world. We need somebody to complement Martins, which Owen doesn't, so somebody who can hold the ball up, is an aerial thread and can put himself about a bit. Would be good if they also have the technique to be able to create a chance for themselves.
  12. Oh right, you don't think we'll miss his goals? Not if we replace him with someone equal or better. Which isn't going to happen... It woudn't be nearly as difficult as you seem to believe..
  13. Oh right, you don't think we'll miss his goals? Not if we replace him with someone equal or better.
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