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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Milner out for the final if you reach it.. Drenthe I think would command a fee of several million.. Feyenoord is worse than skint..
  2. To be fair, Holland is traditionally as bad at taking penalties as you are, so should be an even contest (more so than at this point in time anyway)..
  3. We are not beaten & what we are playing is Surinam U21 team plus a few dutch lads Too true!
  4. What were you idiots (in the kindest possible way) thinking discussing the England lineup for the final before the game was over..?
  5. Congratulations to England. The serbs look like they have a strong generation of youngster, considering this was basically their second string and they could afford to rest their first team in this match, yet were hardly outdone..
  6. Huddlestone sent off before he's even kicked a ball..
  7. Anyway, England vs Netherlands for the next round. Should be interesting!
  8. England could (perhaps should?) have put the ball out of play long before Derbyshire ever got the ball though..
  9. The Serb player did a Robben after the foul and it may well have cost him the penalty.. Serbs looking stronger at the moment, which is worrying considering it's basically their second string.. Could be these players are a little fitter though..
  10. Serbia score 1-1.. Looking good for England.. Edit: sorry, mean Czechs of course..
  11. Was it Taylor with the header?
  12. Italy score within 3 minutes.. Looks like England will need a win..
  13. Dutch, and I thought you were just another idiot blaming a player for going to a much bigger club than us. The only way I could potentially have known you were joking, as in the context it isn't exactly crystal clear imho, is because you don't generally come across as an idiot.. Anyway, apologies I I offended you.. Keep working on that sense of humour of yours..
  14. Heh? Completely over the top and uncalled for.. Don't think you get Irony do you kid? I understand the concept of irony, but it may just be the case that you are not very good at it.. Or pehaps the fact your brain can not comprihend it? Me thinks the latter! I'm not too worried about my cerebral functions, but thanks for caring.. So much for all English people having a good sense of humour..
  15. Heh? Completely over the top and uncalled for.. Don't think you get Irony do you kid? I understand the concept of irony, but it may just be the case that you are not very good at it..
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