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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Unbelievable

    John Carver

    As I said the other day, everything about this Carver situation is just too grotesque to even seriously comment on.
  2. Unbelievable

    John Carver

    This is what four years of working under Pardew will do to you. Must spend 90 minutes thinking of what excuse to use next.
  3. Wouldn't go that far like
  4. Unbelievable

    John Carver

    Some excellent posts Gino14 and Kasper. Ref Kasper's point, you often get that sort of in depth tactical discussion from Dutch managers too. You can watch a Frank de Boer post match interview and you honestly couldn't say if they had won or lost. It's always as for him the execution of a game plan is more important than the eventualities (refereeing decisions, individual mistakes, opponents' flashes of brilliance, etc.) that happened in the particular game, and I think this is what ultimately decides how seasons pan it. FdB is a bit extreme in this regard as he seems practically unable to express satisfaction, but I think it's how managers over here approach the game more often than not.
  5. where did he live before coming here, Rotterdam?! cheeky f***er! Rotterdam is a shithole. Wahey man! Watched the interview now. Not sure why they picked these comments like that. In context it's nowhere near as bad and he seems quite appreciative of the lifestyle, just says that it took some getting used to.
  6. Interview with Daryl Janmaat here (in Dutch): http://www.omroepwest.nl/sport/04-05-2015/hagenaar-daryl-janmaat-over-zijn-overgang-naar-newcastle-%E2%80%98toen-ik-hier-aankwam-dach It's not very flattering for Newcastle. I'll translate the quotes in the accompanying text: "When I first arrived here I thought to myself: 'What the hell am I doing here?' Everything was so dreary/drab. I live 20 minutes from the stadium in a nice, quiet area. I'm used to it now, and can even enjoy it somewhat." The video (I haven't watched it) is a former Dutch soap "star" interviewing him. Funnily enough I worked with the lad's father 15 years ago. Small world.
  7. Wouldn't surprise me.
  8. That's something that is always overlooked when seeking to apportion blame to NUFC fans. An extraordinary confession from Charnley that somehow goes unnoticed. “People may well say that the position we now find ourselves in isn’t ideal and I accept that to a point, but as I have stated Alan’s departure came as a surprise. I must stress and repeat that we parted with Alan on very good terms and I would re-iterate the quote I issued at the time of his departure in that we moved on significantly as a club during his four years, on and off the field, and Alan played a big part in that and I thank him."
  9. If they were serious about wanting Steve McClaren all along and they are desperate enough to ask him to come in for the last 3 games to avoid relegation, surely it would simply be a case of saying "it's now or never Steve. We'll look elsewhere if you can't commit to this"? Not saying that would be the right decision, but the club holds all the cards here if McClaren is indeed interested in coming here. If he's not, then what have the club even been doing all this time? What happens if he turns us down, have they just spent 6 months not planning ahead once again? Scratch that, I know the answer.
  10. I see your point Yorkie, and I understand NUFC is worth fighting for, but I wouldn't call it a perfectly good club at this point in time, more like terminally ill.
  11. Why would it require money? I watched a documentary on English football not long ago, and there was an organisation helping fans out setting up splinter clubs, Don't remember their name, but fairly certain talking to them would be a good starting point.
  12. Unbelievable

    John Carver

    Not yet ready to panic. As if people expected anything else.
  13. I'm pretty sure if/when Ashley does sell up one of the terms he'll demand is that the Sports Direct signage and advertising remain up free-of-charge for 20 years or something equally ridiculous. I wouldn't put it passed him, but something like that would make the club unsellable to any serious investor straight away. Besides, 20 years of free advertising is more than the club is worth, even 10 would be outrageous.
  14. Unbelievable

    John Carver

    Wouldn't surprise me either. Neither would it surprise me if he took us down, claimed relegation was nothing to do with him and got the permanent job anyway.
  15. Unbelievable

    John Carver

    Put it this way, if McLaren doesn't want to come in straight away, what options do they even have? And if he would be willing to, does it even make sense to bring in a new permanent manager fighting for survival with 3 games to go, especially one who as far as I know is not known as a great motivational manager who can kick start a team in trouble, and who must be quite downbeat himself by the way he has just let the prospect of almost certain promotion slip through his fingers? What happens if he comes in, doesn't get a result and takes us down?
  16. Unbelievable

    John Carver

    It will be absolutely fascinating what Mike Ashley makes of all this and whether he decides to act. Does he trust Charnley to protect his asset to the end, risking losing millions in the process? Does Charnley have the confidence to see his bluff through? Has Carver's relentless self appreciation been based on assurances from above, and if so, will they cut him loose regardless? What will happen to his 5 year contract? For what it's worth I don't think the club will act decisively as they probably see changing their opinion as a sign of weakness, and consequently as a worse option than seeing their gamble through. I also don't think they will be able to handle negotiating with McLaren (sigh) and Carver (to demote him or for a pay-off) without f***ing it up in the process. Schteve will be in no frame of mind for a relegation fight having just lost out on the playoffs, and from his perspective he will probably want to see what happens to us in the next few weeks first. Mike and Lee have made their bed, and they will lie in it. The next few weeks will be absolutely fascinating. From one f*** up to the next and on and on we go.
  17. Just read that thread. Some of them think McClaren has turned them from midtable to comfortable top half. And are pleased with the fact he had them top for so long. They are disappointed that they haven't made the play offs, but are willing to let him rebuild over the summer and give it another shot. They think without him they would of never attracted premier league players like Darren Bent and Tom Ince. The other lot seem to think he's turned their play from crisp passing into feet, to defensive and 1 dimensional football. Which has seen them drop down to 8th and ultimately waste a season. They think the permanent signings he has made are awful and mediocre and want us to pay 2mil in compensation to take him away from Derby all together. I have learned enough to not go thinking my own opinion is more accurate than that of the fans who watch there own club week in, week out. However, alot of them seem happy for McClaren to leave them. Which isn't looking particularly good for us. I don't want McClaren, he would be the epitome of the Ashley regime. But some of those Derby fans make me want him less. Sounds like Pardew all over again. Yup
  18. Unbelievable

    John Carver

    Pardew would have seen us in pretty much the same situation. Maybe not quite on the brink as we are now, but with a few more points in lower midtable. The mistake was not the fans chasing Pardew out of town, it was Ashley and Charnley knowing best and deciding they could take a chance on the cheap option wit a view to appointing him permanently if he just about kept us up. For that reason I almost hope we go down, even though I realise it will hurt us fans much more than the classless idiots running this asylum.
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