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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Has Pards got money on us being 1-0 up at half-time or something? We seem to be playing like we don't want to try and score a second!
  2. I blame Simspon! Dunno what for(yet)....just thought I'd get in there first today.
  3. Fell for it hook, line and sinker! Didn't realise it until mid afternoon and I accidentally clicked on the bookmark on my phone by accident and the forum page appeared! Dave, you're a bastard!:-) For a few hours following the toon lost part of its soul!
  4. fucking amazing! missed the game cos taking in the ramsdens cup final up north. had to follow match on shitty phone. well done to the players and fans. cant wait to get home and watch on sky+.
  5. That should have been krul's everytime.... he was hesitant when he should have went through williamson to claim it if need be.
  6. Great news about his improving condition. Pray it continues. On a side point.....I'm surprised the southern press boys haven't played an angle that it was being in the same proximity to Harry Redknapp (aka the second coming) that save the lads life.
  7. ScottishMagpie

    Alan Pardew

    For me he's become far too defensive in his thinking/tactics. Not quite sure exactly when this change occurred tho he still likes to mention Saylor quite a lot! Maybe he was surprised by our start to the season and seeing where we were sitting it became a case of protecting that position at all costs. Apart from the 2nd half against the unwashed I can't think of when the last match was which we dominated. Don't get me wrong, love it when we win but just think we're capable of much more in this overhyped league. Yesterday for example we had Ba, Cisse, Ben Arfa, Cabaye and Jonas on the pitch. No offence intended to Norwich but we should have won that match comfortably. Pardew seems to concentrate a lot on how to stop the opposition and not enough on what we can do. I'm not trying to advocate a return to the 'you score three, we'll score four philosophy' but would like to see him set out out our attacking players where they should be played (eg. Cabaye needs to be further up the pitch) instruct them to get the ball on the deck and say to the opposition 'you worry about us!'. Was just thinking we're on course to have our best season since SBR but I'm not going to be rushing out to buy the season review DVD. I'll buy the Man U game instead!
  8. fuck off stubbs! now starts the campaign to have check retroactively punished for 'faking'.
  9. he wont change it now, he will wait for 20 mins then just as ben afra is coming on they score.
  10. espn talking more about the 'impressive' than anything else. refs have bigger egos than sum players!
  11. Pards wanted a response after wolves performance. He has his answer... Fucking shocking
  12. This!.... but I know damn well where it's come from....reading all the other posts on this thread!
  13. ScottishMagpie

    Alan Pardew

    Typical AP in 'press' mode. I'd be more worried if this was the kinda shite he tells the players whilst in the dressing room.
  14. Went to see the woman in black at the cinema today. This has been infinitely more terrifying.
  15. Has harry paid us off? Its the only reason i can explain why we have played our part to a tee in the great rednapp show.
  16. Wonder how he'll excuse this fucking shambles. Seem to recall some shite after the fulham game about not letting that happen again.
  17. They can call on lennon and defoe.. Us gosling and shola. Case closed your honour.
  18. Ps. Just for once id like us to go away from home and put it right up a team above us. Is that too much too ask?
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