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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. They dont half fuck around with it in the box, get a shot away ...
  2. 2-1 to hashtag, calamity at the back
  3. See the Refs are no better in Womans football
  4. Aye trying to walk it in at times.
  5. If Dolly Parton had triplets we would be the one drinking from a bottle.
  6. FFP could only be fair if everyone was starting from an equal footing, bringing it in after clubs have spent billions is fucking mental.
  7. Pep is a decent bloke like, far better than that gnasher Klopp or marker heed Arteta
  8. Thats the way its meant to be, embrace it its going to be like that forever
  9. Fucking disgusting, all this bollocks is clearly designed to maintain the status quo. The football authorities arent interested in competition, its an old boys club.
  10. Its all going to come crashing down, noise is increasing on a daily basis on how fucked up all this is. Surely will be challenged in court very soon.
  11. Amusing that you think I would want us to lose, just thought we were shite.
  12. Proper hilarious how you aren't allowed to call out some confusing subs and a fucking dire performance.
  13. Papering the cracks, we've been garbage for weeks, lets be real we were played off the park by a Championship team in 16th and didn't deserve to win, couple that with months on month of pathetic performances. Can Eddie turn it around, lets hope so.
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