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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. Can I just say I'm honored to be able to watch us get bummed by Liverpool at Anfield, just take a few moments to imagine how many fans of other teams would give anything for the chance of this kind of thing. Living the dream.
  2. Obertan making the most of his free ticket there, standing watching.
  3. did you kill him, Mick? He ate him http://i.imgur.com/HmquaFN.png 'I feel so guilty'
  4. mick lowes actually said on radio newcastle- we should be grateful for just being able to go and play at anfield tonight unlike leeds and portsmouth fans. The f***? That can't be true. Really? What a fucking slug.
  5. Always does well early days at clubs, just you fucking wait. Hes a useless cunt #wait.
  6. Numbers


    Bollocks. It's people like you who turn forums like this into one-dimensional echo chambers. We've got people claiming the media are biased and not representing the true fan at the very same time I just watched Look North vox-boxing a fan coming out of the SOL and giving Ashley both barrells, summing up in a few words what the issue is - "nothing will change until Ashley is gone" or words to that effect. You've clearly not read a single one of my posts, otherwise you wouldn't be claiming I write drivel - it won't take anyone long to figure out my posts are pretty much consistent with what that fan said. But I'll tell you what, "Wallsend Mag", I'd certainly prefer to have a drink with an open minded mackem than 10 Mags who think like you - where anyone who posts anything slightly off message is "clearly a Mackem troll". I'd tell you to f*** right off for that blatant insult, if I didn't think that's exactly the reaction you were probably hoping for. You're a Mackem troll. End of. You sign up the day after you beat us and then post all this rubbish to try and get a bite. Near enough 100 posts in your first 24 hours? Thank god the schools are back next week. You're a waste of my time and energy, end of. You're probably the sort of fan who accuses their mam of being a Mag if she serves you red sauce. In my experience, the only people who try to insult posters on a web forum by claiming they're on their school holidays, is your common garden troll. If you've got anything to say in your defence, or if you can actually come up with an example of anything I've said that's even remotely as trollish as your efforts here, let's hear it. If your next move is going to be just another tedious remark, don't bother. MAG! hahahaha. What a mug. Outed yourself good and proper there.
  7. Numbers


    Profile, Forum Profile, Modify Profile, Buddy/WUM lists.
  8. Numbers


    Um no. I oppose the people who brought us the roaring success that was SackPardew having any part in it. It was successful though. He's not f***ing here anymore as a result of it The stated aim was to get him sacked, not let him leave on his own terms, leaving us in a worse state, and in the process make him look good and us look bad. Clearly a WUM.
  9. Numbers


    I concur, 8 years is too soon to form an accurate assumption, we don't want to appear fickle now do we? Probably best to give it a few years, change could just be around the corner.
  10. Numbers


    Guys we need to think about this, probably better not to do nowt. Who knows what he could do if we anger him? Rename the stadium, not invest in the squad, humiliate us by appointing knackers, get us relegated, lose every derby, cover the ground in fucking horrific advertising, ban the local press (who were already up their arses) and blatantly lie to the fans. Oh wait.... Probably time to stand up and be counted tbh.
  11. Pretty much this. I don't think Ashley will care if 35k-40k turn up each week as he's pocketing £65 million a year (?) from TV money. Well what's the other alternative? do nothing? the brand takes a hit, he loses money. I just don't get that attitude at all. What attitude? The fact that playing in front of empty seats wont change the fact that the club will still benefit from shitloads of Sky cash? That he wont care? of course he will, he runs a 'business" predicated on fans. If people stop turning up he will care. Well lets hope you're right, but doubt people will stop going anyway. Needs a concerted effort to make people stop turning up. My point was that TV income is so f***ing huge now it's ridiculous and fans are quickly becoming irrelevant.
  12. Pretty much this. I don't think Ashley will care if 35k-40k turn up each week as he's pocketing £65 million a year (?) from TV money. Well what's the other alternative? do nothing? the brand takes a hit, he loses money. I just don't get that attitude at all. What attitude? The fact that playing in front of empty seats wont change the fact that the club will still benefit from shitloads of Sky cash?
  13. Keep telling myself its over yet I keep tuning into the games, don't give the club a penny now. Not that us fans matter anymore with the shedloads of cash coming into the club by Sky etc, congratulations Sky you have broken football.
  14. Stupid thing to do but people really need to channel their anger at the fucking wasters running the club.
  15. He doesn't give a flying fuck man.
  16. Why does Krul get 0? His kissed Defoe on the way off at half time or some such like.
  17. Beaten 5 times in a row by Sunderland man, just let that sink in. What a shambles.
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