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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. Whys the ref stop it there the thick cunt.
  2. Been canny cack this like, we look well off the pace.
  3. Of course its beneficial to the 'Big 6 (comical term imo)' they want to pull the bridge up behind them and hide behind all their 'Big 6' Revenue, most of which is creative accounting. Only way FFP gets involved is if its a threat to the status quo.
  4. Not sure I approve of Shearer wanking himself senseless over Man U. 2nd goal was flukey hes making out like it was a worldie.
  5. Yea, before 2-1 all his fault, now its 2-1 hes a legend.
  6. Aye hes turbo shite like but did put a shift in.
  7. Tap in was on from Wood there, how the fuck did he sky it?
  8. Watching his pre match on Youtube, fucking hell Lee Ryder is thick as a castle wall. How has he even got a Job in journalism?
  9. Think if he doesn't click early on his head drops too easily, wish he could find some consistency as on his day hes unplayable. Also wish he wouldn't act as if hes broken his leg every time he loses the ball.
  10. Ah good old Luke, fortunately I haven't seen his ugly mug in a while, luckily he blocked me on twitter, horrible bloke making a living by trolling NUFC fans.
  11. Fucking weirdos, looking in the comments for that video and everyones sucking his hoop. I think hes a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic tbh.
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