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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. Shelveys given the ball away every time hes had it.
  2. 100% Helios 2 featuring Bruce as the Joker cards.
  3. Was fucked over by Bruce big time. Fat Pig.
  4. Southgate, same old shit from him. Reminds me of Bruce. Likes a bit of Nepotism.
  5. Amazed Alex Hurst kept his place like, who would have thought.
  6. What if someone goes home and forgets to switch the camera off?
  7. Everyone getting a £50K gold sun too.
  8. That trophy looks like its worth about 300 mil, get it weighed in tomorrow, sneaky.
  9. Fucking hell i know Energy is expensive at the minute but they knocked the lights off as soon as the whistle went.
  10. Numbers

    The Round of 16

    Any reason the sound at the game sounding like im sitting in a caravan in a hail storm?
  11. Numbers

    The Round of 16

    Southgate is prime Steve Bruce, hoping for a moment of magic to diguise his shitness.
  12. Numbers


    Fingered more than David Attenborough's passport.
  13. Does Alex Hurst automatically keep his position?
  14. Southgate should have been binned when we got humped twice by Hungary. Awful manager.
  15. Pretty good example of a terrible ref tonight, prick.
  16. This ref man, hes not even hiding the fact
  17. 7 minutes, fuck me, its Liverpool all over again
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